Chapter 8

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"So? Do we get on the train? I still say we should try" said Dudley.

"Very well" Newton sighed. "We'll get on tomorrow."

"But it may pass before tomorrow" said Amy.

"Trains here always wait till morning to keep going" said Newton. 

"In that case... Amy dear, it's time you went to bed" said Dudley.

"Okay. But do you think it wasn't nice to let Lady Beatrice in?" said Amy.

"No, darling" said Dudley kindly.

"But we can certainly come back to that later" said Newton strictly. 

"Newton..." said Dudley.

"Dudley, she let a stranger into our room without our permission. It isn't good form" said Newton. 

"But it's nice to help someone" said Amy innocently.

"Yes it is. But it's not the proper cricket to speak to strangers" said Newton.

"But what if a stranger speaks to me?" said Amy.

"Then you don't answer" said Newton.

"But that's bad manners" said Amy. 

Dudley put his hands on his chest. "Oh, bless your heart, darling Amy."

Newton sighed with a slight smile. "Yes, I suppose, but a child must always ask permission before risking anything."

"What was she risking?" said Dudley.

"Very possibly her safety" said Newton.

"But she was nice" said Amy.

"So I saw. But not all strangers are nice. I'd like you to keep that in mind when we get on that train tomorrow, Amy. Do you hear me?" said Newton. 

"Yeah" said Amy.

Newton smiled. "Good girl. Now get some sleep."

"Okay" said Amy. 

Dudley picked her up. "It's alright. I'll tuck you in, and keep you nice and warm... oh, you deserve a better night than the ones you must have spent all alone."

Amy smiled and let Dudley hug her. 

Newton took a big breath through his nose, then watched his partner carry the little girl away. 

Dudley took Amy to the bed and tucked her in nice and tight. 

"Pleasant dreams, my little thistle" said Dudley.

"But I'm not sleepy" said Amy cutely.

Dudley smiled and kissed her forehead. "At least try to sleep for your Dudley."

"Can you sing me a lullaby?" Amy asked.

Dudley held her on his lap. "Of course."

"Know any good ones?"

"Well... there is one that my mother sang me when I was your age."

"Would you sing it to me?"

"Yes, dear, I will."

Amy snuggled closer as Dudley sang to her.

Slow down, you move too fast

You've got to make the morning last

Just kicking down the cobblestones

Looking for fun and feeling groovy

Ba da da da da da da, feeling groovy

Hello, lampost. Whatcha knowin'?

I've come to watch your flowers growin'

Ain't you got no rhymes for me

Doo-doo-doo-doo, feeling groovy

Ba da da da da da da, feeling groovy

I've got no deeds to do, no promises to keep

I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep

Let the morning time drop all its petals on me

Life, I love you. All is groovy 

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