Chapter 32

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Newton faced Claude. "Burgermeister... does the madame forgetting things have to do with your feud?"

"Explicitly, yes" said Claude. 

"What did she forget?" said Newton.

"Oui, Mamon, we must know" said Angelique. 

"If you must know... the burgermeister had so many anniversaries for us, I could never keep track of them all. Our first kiss, our first romantic stroll... the first creme brûlée we made together..." said Agathe.

"So the feud began because of one forgotten date?" said Henri. 

Realizing that that made sense, Agathe and Claude softened slightly.

"I suppose you could say that, son" said Claude. 

"And never told us you were previously in love" said Angelique.

"So you only wanted Angelique and Henri to marry because you were to angry to marry each other" said Camille.

"Oui, I suppose so" said Agathe. 

"Then I s'pose a betrothal isn't the only way to end the feud" said Newton.

"How else could we end it?" said Agathe.

"Let's see... what if Papa only chose one anniversary to celebrate?" said Henri.

"Oh yes" Angelique agreed. "Then it would be easier for Mamon to remember."

"Go on, burgermeister Babineaux" said Camille. 

Claude took a second to think. "How about... June 13th?"

Agathe gasped. "The day we first met!"

"You remember?" said Claude.

"But of course! We met on the bridge near the Eiffel Tower. The moment we locked eyes, it was like a fairytale" Agathe sighed. 

"Now you're no longer feuding and your children shall live their own lives" said Newton.

"Thank you so much, Monsieur Weekes" said Agathe. 

"How can we repay you?" said Claude. 

"You could let Angelique accompany me to my compartment. Because Monsieur Leicester needs her" said Newton. 

"Oui. And please forgive my initial words for his health" said Agathe. 

"Very well. You will allow both of your daughters to join me?" said Newton.

"At once" said Agathe.

"And Henri... you and Angelique are no longer betrothed" said Claude.

"Merci, Papa. And Monsieur Weekes, you may consider my family your lifelong ally" said Henri.

"Thank you, Monsieur Babineaux. I appreciate being valued by the burgermeister's family" said Newton. 

"Now we'd best hurry if Angelique is to see her true love" said Camille. 

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