Chapter 15

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Newton rushed down the hall and heard Agathe and Claude screaming at each other.

"I'm in the right hall alright" Newton thought. 

Just then, he saw Camille storm out of the compartment, holding her head in what looked like pain.

Then he ran after her. "Miss! Wait!"

Camille turned around fast. "Who are you?"

"I know your fiancee. And I saw you fight with your mum the other night" said Newton.

"You are very observant" said Camille.

"Are you alright? Did your mother frighten you?" said Newton.

"It wasn't that. It's that she screams quite often and loud noises give me splitting headaches" said Camille.

Newton put on a shocked face. "My goodness, your mother really doesn't care about you."

"Non" said Camille.

"But I do. Your sister just had a chance encounter with my acting partner and this betrothal of hers seems to be standing in her way" said Newton.

"It is Mamon's fault. She never wants Angelique or myself to meet anyone" said Camille.

"So I'm told. But tell me. What made your mother go mad the other night?" said Newton.

"I revealed that I was engaged to Atticus. Mamon raised a fuss because I'd only just met him that day. She said she wouldn't bless our marriage" said Camille.

Newton cut her off. "Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?"

"Oui" said Camille.

"Hold on. You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!" said Newton.

"Oui. And there is no need to shout" said Camille.

Newton lowered his voice. "I apologize. But did you propose the marriage or did he?" 

"He did. I accepted because I do not want him to be treated like Mamon treats me. I want to help him" said Camille.

"I agree. But marriage on the first encounter isn't the way to do it" said Newton.

"If it's true love, it is" said Camille.

"Mademoiselle Rodriguez. Forgive me for saying so, but love is something you earn. You don't just give it to yourself" said Newton.

"Really? Mamon says that love is arranged when you say it is" said Camille.

Newton shook his head, realizing that love at first sight belief was also Agathe's doing. "Your mother seems insecure. Telling her daughter all this and forcing her to believe it."

Camille's expression softened as Newton asked her, "What is your role in the family?"

"I do not have a role. Angelique is the source of success. I am just the spare" said Camille. 

With every word she said, off broke another piece of Newton's heart. 

"Mademoiselle... I am going to get you out of this. Dudley will see your sister again and we'll see if we can correct this" he declared.

"But what if Mamon catches you?" said Camille.

"She won't hurt you" said Newton. 

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