Chapter 23

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Agathe came storming into the burgermeister's compartment.

"Claude! My Angelique has not shown herself today. And her sister is not in her compartment" she said.

"Where is she then?" said Claude.

"I do not know. But she cannot escape me for long!" said Agathe.

"Madame, if I may..." Henri began.

"No you may not, Henri! And I am shocked that you are not with my daughter!" Agathe snapped.

"Indeed! Agathe, what is the meaning of this? Did you forget this?" said Claude.

"Forget? Must you always accuse me of forgetting something?" Agathe yelled.

"Why doesn't your daughter like my son?!" Claude shouted.

While the madame and the burgermeister were arguing, Henri took this opportunity to flee the compartment.

"I must warn Angelique and her monsieur" he thought. 

And no sooner did he arrive at the tea area when Camille and Amy returned to the table where Newton was sitting. 

"I like Camille, Newton" said Amy.

"And I like Amy; she's so sweet" said Camille hugging the girl. 

"I'm so glad to hear that. Mademoiselle, this may be the first time I've seen you smile this genuinely" said Newton.

Camille sighed happily. "I am so happy to be smiling. Monsieur Weekes... do you realize what you have done for me?"

Newton put on a modest face. "All I've tried to do was improve your mindset by... taking you outside your mother's... ridiculous world."

"But you have more than that. I have friends now, I am happier... I owe this to you" said Camille. 

Newton felt his heart skipped a beat when he heard a pretty girl thank him so gratefully. 

Before he could respond, Henri came running and faced Camille.

"Camille. Have you seen your sister?" he said.

"No, Henri. I do not know where she is" said Camille.

"Mademoiselle. Who is this, may I ask?" said Newton.

"This is the boy Mamon wants my sister to marry" said Camille.

"And you are?" said Henri.

"Newton Weekes. This is Amy" said Newton.

"Hi" Amy whispered. 

"You're Henri Babineaux" Newton guessed.

"I am" said Henri. 

"He's kinda... cute. Why isn't Angelique in love with him?" said Amy adorably. 

Henri smiled at the girl. "Much appreciated, mon enfant. But I could not possibly marry her. She is but my childhood friend."

"I see" said Newton. 

"Angelique and I were too close to really fall for each other" said Henri.

"Frankly, I am not sure why you agreed to this marriage" said Camille.

"I've told you before, mon ami. It is the only way to avenge the friendship of your mother and my father" said Henri bluntly.

Newton stood up. "With all due respect, Monsieur Babineaux, there must be another way."

"Monsieur Weekes, I am sure of that. But the only way to come up with one is to know what went wrong between my father and the madame" said Henri politely.  

"Did they never say?" said Newton.

"Not once. They always stayed in a rage" said Henri. 

Then he turned back to Camille. "That is why I must know. Where is Angelique?"

"I saw her walk down that hall with Monsieur Leicester" said Camille. 

"Very well" said Henri.

He started to run in that direction, but Newton held him up. 

"Hold on. Do you know my partner's feelings for Angelique?" he said.

"Oui, monsieur. I am looking for her to warn her" said Henri.

"About what?" said Amy. 

"About her mother. She too is looking for her" said Henri.

Camille gasped. "Then hurry. Before she discovers Monsieur Leicester."

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