Chapter 19

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Camille sat with Newton in a separate compartment. 

They seemed to please each other and Camille was smiling, quite possibly for the first time in the longest time. 

"I expect this autism of yours gets in the way of your mother's expectations" said Newton. 

"I am always in her way, no matter what I have" said Camille.

"I'm sorry. Does the Burgermeister's son even know Angelique has a sister?" said Newton.

"Yes. I am younger than Angelique, but I look up to Henri as much as she does" said Camille.

"That's wonderful. And now that you've decided to get out more, I expect you have new people to look up to" said Newton.

"Oh, certainly. Do you look up to your partner?" said Camille.

"Oh yes. You should see what a sublime actor Dudley is. Ah, if only we had a company to perform with" said Newton.

"Why do you not?"

"It ran off with our money. So we may have bigger life problems than your families, m'dear" said Newton.

Camille tilted her head to say he wasn't wrong. 

Then she got an idea. 

"Monsieur Weekes... now that we are friends, perhaps I could help you with this money thing of yours" she said.

"You really don't have to, mademoiselle" said Newton.

"I know. That is what makes me so nice" said Camille.

Then she sang spontaneously.

Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I 

And let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than I 

My tender heart tends to start to bleed

And when someone needs a makeover, I simply have to take over

I know, I know exactly what they need

And even in your case

Though it's the toughest case I've yet to face

Don't worry. I'm determined to succeed

Follow my lead and yes indeed

You will be popular, you're gonna be popular

I'll teach you to dance with poise, impress girls and boys

Little ways act and flounce

I'll show you what clothes to wear, how to fix that hair

Everything that really counts to be 

Popular, I'll help you be popular 

You'll be with the right cohorts, you'll be good at sports

Know the things you've got to know

Let us start, for you have an awfully long way to go

Don't be offended by my frank analysis

Think of it as personality dialysis 

Now that I've chosen to become a pal

A sister, an advisor, there is nobody wiser

Not when it comes to popular, I know about popular

And with an assist from me to be who you'll be 

Instead of penniless, who you were (or are)

There is nothing that can stop you from becoming popular (lar)

La la la la, we're going to make you popular

When I see depressing creature with unprepossessing features 

I remind them on their own behalf to think of

Celebrated heads of stage or especially great communicators

Did they have brains or knowledge? Don't make me laugh!

They were popular! Please! It's all about popular

It's not about aptitude, it's the way your viewed

So it's very shrewd to be 

Very very popular like me

Newton was smiling the whole song. "I appreciate your help, Camille, but I don't believe a makeover will solve my money problems."

"Really? Mamon says looks count for everything" said Camille.

Newton rolled his eyes. "Another misguided tip from her."

"Do you believe everything she says is wrong?" said Camille.

"To be brutally honest, yes" said Newton. 

"But if the looks do not count... what does?" said Camille.

"The way you act. I know it sounds strange coming from an actor, but a typical ticket to popularity is how nice or talented you are rather than how you dress or pose" Newton explained.

"Tres bien. I like that viewing" said Camille.

"Very good. And speaking of looks, I'd best get some rest. I must look my best when we arrive at Paris" said Newton. 

"I understand. Sleep is a solution to being calmer during the day" said Camille.

"You put it very well. Until tomorrow, milady" said Newton before leaving.

"Bon nuit" said Camille.

Then she finished her song.

And though you protest your disinterest

I know clandestinely 

You're going to grin and bear it

Your newfound popularity

La la la la, you'll be popular

Just not quite as popular as me! 

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