Chapter 26

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Amy was fine, but she was terrified. As for Dudley, he was still knocked out. 

The ladies laid Dudley in bed and Lady Henrietta examined him.

She lifted his shirt and found that his stomach lining had turned red and swelled up.

"Oh dear... Mr Weekes, I'm afraid your partner may be in critical condition" said Lady Henrietta.

"What do you mean?" said Newton.

"See the redness on his abdomen? That's the trademark of peritonitis. A very dangerous disease" Lady Henrietta explained. 

Newton stood up and started pacing. "Tell me there's at least a cure for this."

"Sir, I've had many years of medical training. If I can diagnose him this fast, I can possibly cure him as well" said Lady Henrietta.

"But we're afraid we'll need some time to decide" said Lady Beatrice. 

"Decide what? Decide whether or not to save a man's life?" said Newton. 

"Sir, we know we must save his life... but we must decide whether or not to do it now" said Lady Beatrice.

"Why can't you?" said Newton.

"The madame is in a rage. If she saw us here now, she'll make it worse" said Lady Ginevra.

Newton looked at his unconscious partner and saw that he was starting to wake up. 

"You may decide" said Newton politely.

Then he turned away and tried not to cry.

"Now, Mr Weekes..." Lady Ginevra began.

Lady Beatrice gently held her sister's arm. "Come. Let them have some privacy."

The three of them started to leave and go back to Angelique's compartment.

"Angelique is probably wondering if he's alright" said Lady Henrietta.

"Whatever are we going to do?" said Lady Ginevra.

"Well, I don't see why she has to marry the burgermeister's son" said Lady Henrietta.

"Now, that's not for us to decide, dear" said Lady Ginevra.

"One thing's for certain, we cannot let the families stay rivals" said Lady Beatrice.

In the compartment, Amy shakily walked up to Newton with tears in her eyes.

"Newton? Is Dudley okay?" she cried. 

Newton sighed deeply and softened at the cute girl's sadness. "I don't know."

"I miss his cuddles" Amy whispered.

This was too much for Newton to bear, so he scooped the girl up and gave her a hug. 

"I'm so sorry, Amy. Our attempt to give you a happy home has failed miserably" he said.

"I always feel at home with you and Dudley" said Amy. 

Newton smiled. "Even after all the chaos?"

Amy nodded. 

"I just wish I could have done better for Camille and Angelique" said Newton.

"Camille seemed to like how hard you were trying" said Amy. "I think she likes you."

"Well, she certainly seemed to like what I was doing for her" said Newton.

"Did you do it for her because you like her?" said Amy. 

"O-of course. Like how Dudley and I took you along for our travels because we like you" said Newton. 

"But Camille talked to you like she was in love with you" said Amy.

Newton widened his eyes then tried to wave it away. "A posh girl like her in love with me? That's preposterous."

Amy rested her head on Newton's shoulder and he hugged her again to seal their bond. 

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