Chapter 22

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While Amy was goofing off with Camille and the aunts, Dudley sat with Angelique by the window.

"You have a very adorable little girl, Monsieur Leicester" Angelique complimented. 

"She's so dear. If only she could tell us her home though" said Dudley.

"Why can she not?"

"She doesn't know."

"At least she can now have friends. My sister seems to like her" said Angelique.

"Your sister is a sweet girl" said Dudley.

"She is. When she does not have a migraine" said Angelique.

Dudley's heart sank. "Why does your mother not care about her?"

"She normally does. But when the Burgermeister enters her mind... the rest of it is clouded" Angelique explained.

"This betrothal of hers still doesn't make sense. Most feuding families stay away from one another" said Dudley.

"Oui. I do not understand myself" said Angelique. "But I am willing to overlook it, for I have never seen Camille happier."

"I've never seen any two girls more deserving of happiness" said Dudley.

"Her happiness... it is to the credit of you. And Monsieur Weekes" said Angelique. 

She kissed Dudley's cheek to thank him. 

Meanwhile, Claude was pacing his compartment.

"Agathe should have been here by now with Angelique. I wonder what went awry" he said.

"If I may, Papa," Henri spoke up, "Angelique and I have always been dear friends, but must we marry?"

"Yes! You must marry!" Claude snapped. "If I could not marry her mother, she must marry you!" 

"Now, Papa, you are living in the past" said Henri.

"The past? It goes back to the past that Agathe never came to her senses" said Claude.

"About what?" said Henri. 

"About how she was a birdbrain! This marriage will avenge everything" said Claude. 

"How do you know Angelique even wants to marry me?" said Henri. 

"Son, I have no time for this prattle. Your future bride will be here any moment now" said Claude. 

Henri turned away and looked out the window. 

He put his hands together and whispered a prayer.

"Please protect Angelique's monsieur from the madame" he prayed. 

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