Chapter 5

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Angelique was taken to another train compartment where two men were waiting.

One man was a chubby bald guy dressed in a weskit and trousers. On his face he wore an eyeglass.

The other was younger and had brown hair and an unshaven face and blue eyes. He wore a black suit and tie. 

He gave an uneasy smile as Angelique and her mother approached.

"Agathe! You've brought my son's future bride" said the bald man.

"Oui, Claude. Mon cher Angelique will soon be married" said Angelique's mother.

Claude looked at the other man, his son. "Henri! Your bride is here!"

Henri stood up and faced Angelique. "Bonjour... mon amour." 

"Bonjour" said Angelique.

"Angelique! If you are to marry this boy, you must love him!" Agathe scolded.

"Oui" said Angelique.

"You cannot just force your daughter to love my son! They shall fall for each other over time" said Claude.

"They have been friends since childhood! How are they not in love now?" said Agathe.

"Be patient, woman!"

"Patient? You've been the least patient since that fool was born!" 

"Do not speak ill of Henri! He's about to marry your daughter!"

Henri excused himself and took Angelique by the arm.

"Must we marry?" he said.

"If we don't we will disappoint our families, mon ami" said Angelique. 

"I know. But you lost your father and I lost my mother. Couldn't we remain childhood friends? Couldn't our parents marry?" Henri suggested.

"I do not think they like each other enough" said Angelique.

"I often wonder why; they were always such good friends. Lovers, even" said Henri.

"Mamon could never bring herself to explain" said Angelique. 

"And what about your sister, Mademoiselle Camille?" said Henri.

"Ever since we were forced to marry... pauvre Camille. She is not allowed to meet anyone. Or even go anywhere with me" said Angelique.

"I hope both you and her find the perfect man" said Henri.

"And I hope your father lets you have the perfect woman" said Angelique. 

Henri turned around and saw that his father was still arguing with Agathe.

"You better go" he said to Angelique.

"I cannot disappoint Mamon" said Angelique. 

"You must. Before this gets out of hand" said Henri.

Angelique hesitated, but still turned on her heels and rushed to another part of the train. 

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