Author's Note

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This story took longer than I thought to finish, but it was totally worth it.

I think it's one of my favorite stories yet. 

I really put a lot of thought into it. 

Lady Beatrice, Lady Ginevra and Lady Henrietta were a cross between the Good Fairies from "Sleeping Beauty" and the Misses from "A Wrinkle in Time".

In fact the ladies I casted as them were the live reference models for the Good Fairies themselves. 

Camille was a character I came up with at the last minute because my follower Anna O'Neal forced me to give her a role. 

But to be fair, I did want to give Newton a love interest too, so I'll have to thank Anna for that.

She also forced me to make the character autistic which didn't do much for the story. But it still gave Newton a reason to feel sorry for her, so I guess it worked out. 

I also made Camille sing "Popular" from Wicked because I know Anna really loves that song. 

Originally, Angelique was supposed to have red hair, but none of the actresses I looked up were pretty enough, or even French. So I changed her hair color after finding a beautiful blonde actress to play her. 

I had intended to make the ladies Amy's fairy godmothers and Amy a fairy herself. But I figured that would make the story too complicated, so I kept Amy an ordinary kid learning how life works. 

At first, I intended Henri to be a more antagonistic character, but then I thought it'd be a little too cliche for the betrothed groom to want his bride to himself. So I made him Angelique's childhood friend who's just as insecure about the arranged marriage as she is. 

I published the "Love is an Open Door" scene on George Harrison's birthday. And you'll see why once I publish the cast repeat. 

I'd intended several other songs to be in this story, but for the sake of running time or storytelling, they didn't ultimately fit in. 

If you'd like tracks of them and the songs that DID make it on my YouTube channel, please let me know. 

So overall, I really love this story. It actually hurts that I'm finishing it right now. 

What was your favorite part of it and what was your favorite song in it? Tell me in the comments and I'll see y'all in the next one!


Peace and love,


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