Chapter 10

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When Atticus left for his compartment, Newton turned around and he saw Dudley and Amy conversing with another old lady. 

This one was tall and skinny, had curly white hair and wore a green dress. 

"Pardon me?" said Newton.

The lady looked up. "Mr Weekes, I presume?"

"Y-yes..." said Newton.

"Amy introduced me to this lady, old boy" said Dudley.

"Dudley, you let her speak to a stranger?" said Newton.

The lady dropped her smile.

"Forgive him, madam. He's a bit tense since our... incident" said Dudley.

"Yes... tense." Newton cleared his throat. "Madam, it's a... pleasure. I didn't catch your name."

"Lady Ginevra will do" said the lady. 

"How did you meet?" said Newton.

"This dear child came by and said hello" said Lady Ginevra.

"And now you're sitting at a table with her and my partner" Newton guessed.

"You were talking to a stranger before" said Amy. 

"That's different. I was trying to solve a big person problem" said Newton. 

Lady Ginevra looked at her pocket watch. "Oh, goodness! It's getting late. Oh, I fear I'm not the best at punctuality."

"We all need goals, madam" said Dudley with a kind smile.

"Oh yes. And my goal is to become more punctual. As well as have tea with you three tomorrow morning" Lady Ginevra giggled. "May I?"

"Yeah" said Amy.

"It'd be a pleasure. That is, if Newton doesn't mind" said Dudley.

"Well... I..." Newton stuttered.

Then he looked at Amy's cute innocent face and gave in. "Oh, very well."

"Lovely. Now I'd best run. Nights on a train are my glory" said Lady Ginevra.

She donned her green cape and hurried down the hall. 

Then Newton looked at Dudley with a serious face. "Dudley, you've got to stop letting Amy speak to strangers. She's a child."

"I know, but she's been alone for too long. Couldn't she make a friend or two?" said Dudley.

"Now, Dudley, if we're to be her guardians for a while, we must be firm from the very beginning" said Newton. 

"Aren't you two my friends?" said Amy quietly. 

Newton's face softened. "Of course we are."

"Then why do you fight over me?" said Amy innocently.

Newton sighed and held his temples. "We don't mean to, child."

Dudley picked the girl up. "It's alright, love; you'll always have your Dudley."

"Yes. Now, Amy, I think it's time you went to bed" said Newton.

Amy nodded and let Newton take her down the hall while Dudley stayed behind. 

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