Chapter 13

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The next morning, Dudley, Newton and Amy went to the tea area on the train.

Lady Beatrice and Lady Ginevra were already there.

"Lady Beatrice! Lady Ginevra!" Amy squealed.

The two old ladies looked up and noticed the trio.

"Well! Fancy seeing you three" said Lady Beatrice.

"Hello, my dears" said Lady Ginevra. 

"How do you do?" said Dudley. 

"Are you enjoying the train ride?" said Lady Beatrice.

"Very much" said Dudley.

"But may I ask where it's taking us?" said Newton.

"To Paris. The people of Paris have very much to offer. Especially to those getting back on their feet" said Lady Ginevra.

Newton smiled. "I must say that does sound lovely."

"Not as lovely as what Paris has to offer" said Dudley staring into space. 

"Newton?" said Amy. "Is Dudley okay?"

Newton looked at Amy with a gentle face. "He's fine, dear."

Just then, another old lady in a light blue dress hurried over. 

"Sorry I'm late, dears. Hope I haven't kept you waiting" she said.

"We don't mind in the slightest, Henrietta" said Lady Beatrice.

"Allow us to introduce you to Dudley Leicester and Newton Weekes. Two debonair stage actors" said Lady Ginevra.

"And that's Amy. Their little temporary charge" said Lady Beatrice.

"How lovely to meet such fine young people. My name is Lady Henrietta" said the third lady. 

"Pleasure" said Newton. 

Lady Henrietta noticed Dudley's distant expression. "Is he alright?"

"I don't know exactly what happened, madam, but my partner is in love" said Newton clearly. 

"Oh, merciful heavens!" Lady Henrietta gasped.

"He's in love!" Lady Ginevra exclaimed.

"He's in love!" Lady Beatrice repeated. 

"And who could the lucky lady be" said Lady Henrietta.

"Angelique Rodriguez. The beautiful French maiden who travels this train as we speak" Dudley answered.

The three ladies exchanged awkward glances.

"What is it?" said Newton.

"Angelique Rodriguez is not yours to have, Mr Leicester" said Lady Beatrice.

"She's already betrothed" said Lady Ginevra.

"Her mother has gone to a lot of trouble with her wedding" finished Lady Henrietta.

Dudley's heart sank. "Is she royal?"

"No. The betrothal was arranged to repair the friendship of the Rodriguez family and the Babineaux family" said Lady Ginevra.

"How is a betrothal to fix the friendship of feuding families?" Newton inquired.

"Angelique's mother and Burgermeister Babineaux were once very close. But now... they are feuding. They feel that the wedlock of Angelique and the burgermeister's son Henri will repair it" explained Lady Beatrice. 

"That's right. Angelique is betrothed for this. And her poor sister, Camille, isn't allowed to meet anyone. It's a shame because she would have liked you" said Lady Henrietta.

"She's been treated like a spare because of this" said Lady Ginevra. 

Hearing this story, Newton remembered seeing an argument with the exact same context. 

"Pardon me" he said.

Then he rushed off to find the one person who would know more about Camille's situation than anyone. Atticus Penmbroke. 

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