where's the person that i know? (they must have left)

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As they screeched to a stop at the corridor's bend, Midoriya's voice trembled with urgency. "Melissa, where's the control room?" he panted, his eyes darting from her to the looming corners of the corridor, his mind pulsating with the weight of their mission.

"In front of the central elevator," Melissa replied, her breaths ragged, the physical and mental strain of their ordeal etched across her features. "Just around this corner."

With a shared nod, the trio huddled close to the wall, hearts pounding in synchrony with their footsteps.

"Looks like someone is there," [Name] whispered, peering cautiously into the control room where two figures loomed.

Melissa's gasp cut through the tension, her shock written all over her face. "Papa?"

Midoriya's jaw tightened at the revelation. "That's your dad?" His voice carried a mix of concern and determination, mirroring the gravity of their situation.

"Yes. But why is he on the top floor...?" Melissa's brow furrowed in confusion as she struggled to make sense of her father's unexpected presence.

"I bet the criminals are here for something and needed someone with access to give it to them," [Name] speculated, their expression reflecting deep contemplation as they analyzed the situation.

"It's possible... he is one of the most renowned inventors on I-Island," Melissa replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty despite her attempt to sound logical.

"Force him To do what, though?" Midoriya interjected, his tone reflecting his confusion as he tried to grasp the situation.

Melissa's worry for her father intensified, evident in the furrow of her brow. "We need to save him!"

"Of course," Midoriya agreed without hesitation, his sense of duty propelling him forward. Before [Name] could intervene, the two dashed ahead.

[Name] bit their lower lip in frustration at their impulsive actions. Panic surged within them as they imagined the worst-case scenarios. We need a plan! They urged themselves inwardly, knowing the risks of rushing in blindly. With each step the two took toward the room, [Name] felt the pressure mounting, realizing that any attempt to communicate with the others could potentially expose their presence to the criminals.

They sighed as they followed along, their heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. They didn't want the two to get hurt due to their hesitation in following after them. However, their eyes widened as they listened to Melissa's Dad's voice resonating through the corridor. The tone was furious, laced with contempt, and it sent shivers down their spine. What could evoke such anger? Themselves? The people he is referring to?

"This device and research data are the only things I would never give to anyone," he declared vehemently, his voice carrying a weight of determination. "I'll never give them up."

The words hung heavy in the air, stirring up a whirlwind of questions in [Name]'s mind. Was he pulling a heist? Did he hire the criminals to take over I-Island to get his hands on whatever he is talking about? Their mind raced with various possibilities, each more troubling than the last, as they watched the scene unfold from their hiding spot.

"What is happening...?" Melissa whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of disbelief and sorrow. Her eyes turned glossy as she watched the tense conversation continue between her dad and her uncle, Sam. Despite not being biologically related, Sam had been a constant presence in her life for years, almost like an uncle figure. Seeing him involved in whatever was happening only added to the confusion and distress swirling within her.

"Thank you. It was all because you arranged everything for me, Sam," David's voice echoed through the corridor, heavy with a mix of gratitude and tension.

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