40. Giants

49 3 1

(split the next ep into this one and that)

"LET ARU GO RIGHT NOW!" Lasol shouted as the group burst through the padlocked doors.

"Class C is a mess, huh? What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Aru's sponsor cackled at the sudden appearance. "You are illegally interuppting the work! I guess you don't know but this is a legal shoot. Or have you come to participate? Hehe!"

Lasol shoved out an ipod blaring a recording. The sponsor's voice sounded from it, creepily offering Lasol opportunities in exchange for her to date him. "You remember that Ipot? The gift you gave me for my birthday. I took it with me everywhere." Tears were pouring down her face. "I was scared so I had to record it. I pretended not to know that they approached you. I thought you'd be mad if you found out I was first... Since I rejected them I thought it would hurt your feelings... And you looked so happy that I just shut my mouth." She was full on sobbing now. "Actually, I stayed silent because I was scared. I'm sorry my friend!" Lasol braced herself and addressed the gangsters. "I'll give you the recording if you let Aru go. I didn't call the police. If we call the police, this could be in the news and everything Aru's worked for would crumble. If I release the recording, you are done for. You both know how important this is, right?" THe sponsor and the company head looked wary. They knew. "This is ibkt copy of the recording. There are no backups, so don't worry."

She should have totally made backups... YN's worries were confirmed when the sponsor smirked evilly. "You have only one copy of the file...And you didn't call the cops?" He cackled. "Guys, lock the door," he instructed his gangsters. "If we take it, its over."

Lasol looked shocked at the prospect. "Y-you'd do that??"

The company head chuckled. "Kids will be kids. You don't understand anything. Don't touch Crystal, but the others are fair game," he told the gangster.

YN was growing on edge, her palms sweating and a prickling feeling down her back. She wiped her hands on her leggings, recalling Gun's words to just sit back and watch the show. Am I really going to trust him? Daniel and Vasco were preparing their fight stances.

"YN?" Vasco asked. Should I fight..? The gangsters laughed at the measly two people ready to fight them.

Crystal had been typing on her phone, and grinned then. "Well, my dad already sent some guys. And they are outside.



"...huh?" The sponsor started laughing again, loud guffaws. "Only two?? You and your two friends can just leave quietly. You think we'd all suck up to anyone from your dad? Do you know how many people are on our side?" All the gangsters were giggling now. "We have 30."

The door on the other side slammed open, attracting everyone's attention. In stepped YN's own personal demon, and another guy who couldn't be better. "Right," Gun said, pulling off his gloves with his teeth. He had had a whole outfit change. "It's only two of us."

"Hi?" said the guy behind him. He had blond hair and shiny glasses, and didn't seem nervous. If he had been sent with Gun, they must be on about the same level.

As the two set around beating up the gangsters, it was clear that they both were on a different level. Gun easily dodged three people dodging him at once, then clenched his fist and demolished all three with a couple of punches. The other guy easily kicked away three people that jumped on him with weapons. "You brought weapons? Lucky~ I like them too. Now don't block this or your arm will be broken." He swung the weapon and another guy who instinctively blocked it. There was a gruesome crack. "See? It's broken."

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