Hypno's Naptime

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Narrator: After winning a Rainbow badge from Erika, Ash, Hayley and their friends find themselves in a new city.

"Gee, it sort of feels like all these buildings are closing in on us." said Ash.

"I feel smaller than ever." said Hayley.

"Yeah and they're all so tall, you can hardly see any sky." said Misty.

"Where are we, Brock?" asked Ash.

"Uh, Hophophop Town?" questioned Brock.

"Hop, hop, hop?" the three asked, hopping to the left.

"Chu. Pikachu?" asked Pikachu.

"Rio. Riolu?" asked Meeko.

"Arnold!" shouted a woman's voice behind them.


"Who's Arnold?" asked Hayley.

"Arnold!" said the woman, running up to them and hugging Ash. "Where have you been, Arnold? Mother's been so worried."


"Pika? Riol?"

"Excuse me, but my name is Ash." Ash tells the woman.

"I'm his sister, Hayley."

"And my name is Misty, ma'am."

"She wasn't talking to the two of you, Misty." Brock said to the girls.

"I guess not. Ah!" said Misty as Brock drags her and Hayley away.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." said the woman, realizing that she had the wrong boy. "But you look just like my Arnold."

"Huh?" said Ash.

"What happened to him?" asked Misty.

"I'm so upset because my son Arnold just disappeared." said Arnold's mother as they all sit down. "He's been gone for three days. I can't find him anywhere."

"And you haven't heard from him?" asked Brock.

"Not a word." said Arnold's mother.

"Could he have gone off to become a Pokémon trainer?" suggested Ash.

"He did like Pokémon of course, but he never mentioned anything about becoming a trainer." she tells him.

"Don't you think he'll probably come home soon?" asked Misty.

"Mm-mm." said Arnold's mother, shaking her head. "My son isn't the only child who's disappeared recently."

"He's not?" asked Hayley and Brock.

"Huh?" said Ash.

"See those posters?" Arnold's mother asked as they looked over at a wall, line up with missing child posters.

"Posters?" asked Ash.

"Those are pictures of all the children that have disappeared." Arnold's mother tells them.

"That many?" asked Misty.

"That's a lot of missing children." said Hayley.

"This must be a pretty dangerous town." said Ash.

"My picture's going to be on posters when I'm a big, famous star." said Misty, dreaming about being famous, causing both boys to sigh. "Huh? Excuse me."

"Well, maybe in horror movies." said Ash, rubbing Pikachu's head.

"Pikachu." said Pikachu.

"Ri." said Meeko, sad as she looked at the missing posters.

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