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"Did we really do this?" I laughed. I needed to move out of Derek's house. I couldn't live there and stare at Meredith and Derek all day. Owen needed to move out of his trailer before he was going to get struck by lightning in that little tin box. I had nowhere near enough money saved for a house, neither did Owen. So what did we do? We bought a two bedroom apartment together.

"I think so," he chuckled and unlocked the front door. It was a really cute apartment.

"It's so cute," I smiled and looked at him. We've been friends ever since I moved her from LA years ago.

"It is," he nodded, "I call the bigger bedroom."

"Owen!" I laughed. I walked down the hall and the bedrooms were exactly the same.

"I want this one," Owen said like a child.

"Okay," I laughed, "go for it." I walked back downstairs to my car and grabbed my stuff. I didn't have too much stuff, and luckily our apartment came furnished, so I didn't have to lug my bed from Meredith and Derek's house. I did have a considerable amount of clothes though. It would take me at least a day to unpack. Owen, on the other hand, would probably unpack within 2 hours.

We bought an apartment together. A kinda unconventional friendship dynamic, but I was happy with it, and I think she was too. We both needed a move. We had been here half the day and I was pretty much done unpacking. I really only had clothes and a few things. Amelia, on the other hand, had way too many clothes. She claims she didn't have a lot of stuff, but basically filled up my entire truck with boxes. I walked down the hall and knocked on her door.

"Hey," I said. She was lying on her bed and she did not make a dent in her unpacking.

"You being productive in here," I asked.

"I'm tired," she pouted.

"From what?" I joked. She sat up and threw a pillow at me.

"You think you're so funny," she said.

"I am," I shrugged. She smirked and pulled me down on her bed next to her. I chuckled as she looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm glad we did this," she said.

"Me too," I said and looked over at her.

"I am not glad I have so much clothes," she chuckled.

"Sounds like a you problem," I said.

"I'll pay you to help me," she said.

"You don't have to pay me," I chuckled, "I'm happy to help."

I was finally unpacked with the help of Owen. I was relaxing in my bathroom. It had a nice tub and it felt so nice to relax after a long day. I feel like moving out of Derek's was a big step for me. It wasn't into a dream home like he did, but I'm still being more independent. I was relaxing until I heard my bathroom door open.

"Do you have my shampoo?" Owen asked.

"Owen I am naked in the bath tub!" I said, "Get out!"

"Amelia for one, I'm not even looking at you. And second, I've seen you naked before," he said and rummaged through the bag on my counter.

"You accidentally walking in on me changing once doesn't count," I said, "and get out!"

"Okay," he said, "and you did take my shampoo."

"Well take it and get out," I laughed at him, "now."

"I'm leaving," he said, "and for the record I didn't look."

"Owen!" I laughed as he shut the door. Living with one male roommate will be a change. I mean of course I had roommates in college, but none of them were guys. I finished relaxing and got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I changed into pajamas and walked out into the living room and kitchen area, where Owen was reading an instruction manual.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh hey," he said and his face turned red, "Sorry for before I didn't mean to just walk in on you I just wanted to take a shower."

"It's fine just don't make it a habit," I chuckled and looked over his shoulder, "we have an air fryer?"

"My mom bought it," he chuckled, "So I have an air fryer."

"Fine then I won't share the toaster I brought," I said.

"You know I'm only kidding," he nudged me.

"Me too," I smiled.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now