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Amelia was lying in bed. She asked me to leave her alone. She was obviously still upset, and I don't blame her. Her mother crossed the line. I just can't believe she could say something like that to Amelia. I'm also mad at myself for saying I love her in front of her mom before I said it to her first. I wanted it to be special for her and it kinda just slipped out. But I had to, I had to defend the woman I love. I was in the kitchen and made Amelia a cup of hot chocolate. It was too late for coffee but I figured she'd enjoy something warm. I knocked on the door and opened it a crack. Amelia was under a bundle of blankets.

"Amelia?" I asked.

"Yes honey?" She said.

"I brought you something," I said. She sat up and looked at me. I gave her the cup and she smiled.

"Thank you love," she said. I kissed her head and went for the bedroom door.

"I'll be in the living room," I said.

"No, please stay," she said. I smiled and nodded. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back.

"You're the best mother in the world," I said and kissed her cheek, "now let's relax and enjoy the rest of the night."

"I love you," she said softly.

"I love you too honey," I said. She snuggled into me and we watched some mindless TV before we both fell asleep. I made sure to pull the blankets over her and pull her close to me. She was the most perfect person in the world, and I won't let her mother tear her down.


I opened my eyes and Amelia wasn't next to me.

"Amelia?" I said. I looked around and she must be in the kitchen. I saw a note on my phone.

Went to your mom's. Be back after work.

Love you,

I smiled and reached for my phone.

"Everything okay with my mom?" I sent.

"Yup, just chatting," she sent.

"Okay I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she sent.

"Hey come in, are you okay?" Evelyn asked me as she hugged me. I asked her if I could come over and talk this morning.

"I'm okay," I said quietly.

"Did Owen do something?" Evelyn asked.

"No," I said, "My mother is in town, and we don't really get along, and Derek wanted me to see her last night. I brought Owen, and it was going okay, and then she said something really messed up. I barely slept last night and I don't know what to do about it." Evelyn handed me a cup of coffee and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry honey," Evelyn said, "you don't deserve that, do you see your mother often?"

"First time in 5 years," I said, Evelyn looked surprised.

"And it didn't go well?" She frowned. I nodded.

"Did you tell Owen what happened?" She asked.

"I did, and he's helpful. He comforted me, I just can't get what she said out of my head," I said, "maybe she's right and it's true."

"Can I ask what she said if it's not too much?" She asked gently. I've never told Evelyn about my addiction, or Ryan, or Christopher. She would look at me differently. She would see me as the mess I am and not her son's adorable girlfriend.

"You don't have to," Evelyn said.

"It's just, there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me," I said sadly, "and I fear telling you will change how you feel about me."

"Nothing will change honey," she said. She hugged me again and I took a sip of coffee.

"When I used to live in LA years ago I had a really bad drug addiction. I lost my fiancé at the time and found out I was pregnant a few months later. My son was born without a brain and ended up passing away too," I said softly, "And my mother told me last night I'm not fit to be a mother or a wife. And she told me she basically was a better mother than me because her children were alive." Evelyn looked shocked. I could see the tears forming in her eyes and I felt a few fall down my face. She got up and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I would never look at you differently honey," she said, "and I'm sorry that happened to you all those years ago. The loss of a child never gets better. And I'm sorry your mother is being rude. A mother should never say things like that. I am here for you always, and I would never judge you on your past."

"Thank you," I said crying.

"While our circumstances are different. I know what you're going through, and it doesn't make you any less of a mother," she said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Did you eat? Why don't I make you some breakfast?" She said.

"Oh you don't have to, I have to go to work soon," I said.

"Honey, you and I both know you can't go to work today. You barely slept all night, and in the nicest way possible, you look horrible. You can't go cutting into skulls," Evelyn said, "let me make you some breakfast and then you can use the guest room. Take a shower or a nap, or both. I'll let Owen know you're okay here." I could cry at the fact that she was more of a mother than mine will ever be.

"Thank you so much," I said.

I haven't heard from Amelia all day. I didn't see her on the OR board either. I sent her a few texts but she hasn't responded. I was starting to get worried.

"Hey mom, is Amelia with you?" I sent.

"Yes. Sorry, meant to text you. I made her call out of work, poor thing, she is exhausted and barely slept last night. She's here, and sleeping upstairs," my mom sent.

"Thank you for taking care of her. Let me bring over dinner later when I'm done at the hospital," I sent.

"That sounds perfect," my mom sent. I'm glad Amelia and my mom got along so much. I'm glad Amelia had mother figure in her corner. I know I'm her boyfriend, but I also know sometimes you don't want to tell your boyfriend everything, so I'm glad she has my mom. I put my phone away and saw Derek scrub out of the OR.

"Is Amelia okay?" Derek asked, "she called out."

"She didn't sleep great last night due to what happened. She wanted some time to herself," I said.

"I swear to god my mother is such a bitch. Thank you for defending my sister. I yelled at my mom the second you left but I think my mom will never get it," Derek sighed.

"What she said was fucked up," I said.

"I know," Derek said, "I told my mom to apologize. Not that it will do anything. I've also tried to call Amy but she won't answer."

"She's with my mom, she hasn't been answering me either, but my mom said she's okay," I said. Derek nodded.

"I'm really sorry I thought after 5 years my mother would get over herself," Derek said.

"It's not your fault. You couldn't have know she would have said that," I said.

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