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Derek and Meredith went home with the kids and Maggie and my mom were still here. They drove down the street to go get some pizza so we could all eat dinner together. I knew Amelia was in a lot of pain because she couldn't take any pain killers and I felt really bad.

"Can you help me up?" Amelia asked, "I need to walk around."

"Sure honey," I said and held my hands out for her. Amelia was still pretty injured so I wouldn't let her do much. Meredith did do an internal scan and she said Amelia was fine and just needed to recover. I put my arm around Amelia's waist and held her up.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Can you just carry me?" She chuckled.

"Yes come here," I said and picked her up bridal style, "where to?"

"The bathroom," she laughed and I chuckled. I opened the bathroom door and put her down.

"You need help?" I asked.

"My leg is so stiff so, yeah," she chuckled, "sorry I know it's gross."

"Helping you isn't gross. Don't say that nonsense," I said.

I was in a lot more pain than I imagined. Evelyn and Maggie were the sweetest and went out and got dinner so the four of us could eat together. Mer and Derek went home with the kids.

"What happened to your truck?" I asked Owen as he handed me a plate with pizza.

"Totaled. Waiting to hear from the insurance company," Owen said and kissed my head, "don't worry about it I'll take care of it."

"Yes we are just glad you're okay honey," Evelyn said.

"Amelia do you need something to drink? Or ice for your leg?" Maggie asked, "you should also be elevating your leg."

"Dr.Maggie I'm fine," I said.

"No Patient Amelia you will follow the doctor's orders," she laughed and put a pillow under my leg, "we are all thankful you're okay and want you to have the best recovery possible."

"A little ice wouldn't hurt," I shrugged.

"Do not feel bad asking for things honey we're here to help you," Evelyn said.

A few days later
After 2 night at the hospital Amelia was cleared to go home. My mom picked us up and drove us back to the apartment where Meredith and Derek were meeting us. They had gotten us some groceries which I was so thankful for. I unlocked the door and I had my arm around Amelia. She had crutches, but she hated using them, and I didn't mind helping her. She did have to use them eventually if she wanted to get better. But I didn't mind helping at all.

"Owen where do you want your bags?" My mom asked.

"You can just put them in our room, and you can put your stuff in the guest room," I said, "thank you."

"Since when do you have a guest room?" Derek joked.

"Owen moved his stuff into my room," Amelia smiled, "so now we have a guest room."

"Is Evelyn staying with you guys?" Mer asked.

"Yeah for a few days," I said, "Ames do you want to lay down? Or do you want some food?"

"Can I lay down?" She asked.

"Yes," I said and kissed her head. I helped her into bed and propped her leg up. I kissed her forehead and then pecked her lips.

"Want anything else?" I asked.

"You," she said softly, "snuggle with me."

"I will," I said and laid down next to her. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her cheek. I am so glad she is okay.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now