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I came home from work and it was 11PM. I felt bad waking Amelia and going into her room. My room was still in fact still leaking. I went into my room and it looked worse. Amelia called the landlord yesterday and he said he would look at it. I'm sure he didn't. You know how landlords are. Even though it was late, I was pretty hungry. I made some food and sat down on the couch. I felt my phone buzz and it was Amelia.

"Are you home?" She sent.

"Yeah," I sent. After a few minutes I opened her door and she was snuggled into her bed. I couldn't tell if she was asleep so I closed the door quietly.

"Hi," she mumbled half asleep.

"Hey," I said softly, "go back to bed."

"I wanted to make sure you got home okay," she said. She was the cutest.

"Well I'm here," I chuckled, "is it okay if I sleep in here again?"

"Yeah, the landlord came today and said he has to come back tomorrow," Amelia said. I laid down next to her and pulled the covers over me.

"Thanks," I said.

"Mhm," she said.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," she said. I wrapped my arms around her and she giggled. She nuzzled into me and started to fall asleep.

I heard a knock at the front door. Owen still had his arms wrapped around me.

"Owen," I said softly.

"Sorry," he said and let go of me. I got up and opened the front door in case it was the landlord. I opened the door and it was Evelyn.

"Oh hi," I smiled. Running my fingers through my incredibly messy bed head.

"Hi honey, I'm sorry did I wake you? I told Owen I was going to drop a few things off this morning," she said.

"Oh no I was awake," I said. Owen came out of my bedroom and he looked like he forgot his mom was coming.

"Oh!" Evelyn said, "I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" Owen's face went bright red and I felt mine go too.

"No, mom," Owen said, "My ceilings leaking, so Amelia's been letting me stay in her room."

"Did you call the landlord? They should fix that, let me see it," she said. Owen followed her down the hall and looked at me.

"Sorry," he mouthed. I chuckled and started making a cup of coffee.

"How long has it been leaking?" My mom asked.

"Two days," I said, "landlord should be fixing it today."

"Might be your upstairs neighbors pipes or something," my mom said.

"Yeah," I said, "and you can't say stuff like that in front of Amelia."

"Oh I'm sorry, but it kind of looked like something was going on," she said.

"Nothings going on," I said. Which honestly was a lie. Something was going on. Amelia and I were crossing the boundaries of just friends, but I wasn't ready to admit it.

"Okay I'm sorry," my mom said, "also, I was cleaning out the attic yesterday and found some of your father's things. I thought you would want them."

"Were you going to throw them out?" I asked.

"No dear, but I thought you'd want them," she smiled.


I walked into the cafeteria and I saw Amelia. She was sitting with Derek but neither of them were talking. She was poking her salad with a fork, but not eating any of it. I didn't know if I should join, but by now I was just staring at them.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now