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"I don't care I'm going to the observation deck!" I yelled at Derek.

"Bailey won't let you!" He said. I pushed past him and sat down. Amelia was in surgery. I felt like I couldn't breathe. She was bleeding out, but it seems like they've contained it. I'm not sure. I was freaking out too much to focus. Bailey looked up and saw me.

"Hunt you need to leave," Bailey said on the intercom.

"Make sure she's okay," I said. Bailey nodded and I left. She was stable and in good condition.

"She's stable," I said to Derek. He nodded and the two of us and Meredith and Maggie sat down in the waiting room. My mom was on her way. Amelia has to be okay. She has to be. She cannot die.

"I need to check again," I said and got up.

"Owen," Maggie said, "She's in the best hands in this hospital. Sit down and rest."

"Yeah are you okay? You had a lot of glass in you," Meredith said.

"Owen!" My mom walked into the waiting room. I walked over and hugged her.

"Are you okay? What's all this?" She said as she pointed to my bandages.

"My window shattered," I said.

"Where's Amelia? Was she with you? Why aren't you in a patient bed?" My mom said.

"Amelias in surgery" I said.

"Is she okay?" My mom asked, "what happened?"

"She started bleeding out," I said, "but I saw her a few minutes ago and it was looking positive."

"Okay," my mom said, "well, why don't we sit together with everyone in the waiting room? All we can do is wait and pray." I nodded and sat down next to my mom. Amelia had to be okay.


Amelia was out of surgery. Bailey said everything went fine. She needed to be okay. I was sitting at her bedside waiting for her to wake up. Bailey said nobody was supposed to be in here but she let Derek and I take turns.

"Ouch what the fuck," Amelia muttered softly.

"Amelia?" I looked up. I was holding her hand.

"Ow," she said and looked at me, "I'm in a lot of pain."

"You're okay," I said crying.

"Yeah I'm fine what happened to you?" She said, "is this gauze? Are you hurt?"

"Amelia you just had 6 hour surgery. I'm fine," I said.

"I had surgery?" She said, "am I okay?"

"You're okay honey," I said and kissed her forehead, "I am so thankful you're okay."

"Does your shoulder hurt?" She asked.

"No it's fine," I said.

"Liar," she said, "did I get stitches? I'm really itchy. And my side hurts."

"You were bleeding a lot," I said, "you had some stitching."

"It really hurts," she said, "with no drugs."

"I know honey I'm sorry," I said and kissed her, "let me go get everyone."

"Can it just be us for a minute?" She asked and squeezed my hand.

"Of course," I said and kissed her forehead, "and I'm sorry you're in a lot of pain love."

"It's okay," she said and kissed me.


I walked out into the waiting room where everyone was.

"She's awake," I said.

"Is she okay? Is she talking?" Derek asked and got up.

"She's okay," I said.

"Oh thank goodness," my mother said and hugged me.

"Can we see Aunty Amy?" The kids begged.

"Why don't we go see if your aunt is up for it," Maggie said. We walked into Amelia's room and Amelia smiled at us.

"Aunty!" Zola smiled and ran to her bed.

"Zola be careful please," Meredith said, "Do not climb all over Aunty Amy."

"Oh she's okay," Amelia said, "you can sit on the bed with me."

"Me too?" Bailey asked.

"All three of you," Amelia chuckled.

"You need to go for a scan soon to make sure everything is okay," Meredith said. Amelia nodded.

"Do you need anything? Any food?" Maggie asked.

"Some water would be great," Amelia said, "Maybe some snacks?"

"We can go downstairs and get you some dear," my mom said and left with Maggie. I looked at Amelia who had the three little munchkins in her bed. I was so thankful she was okay.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now