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A few days later
It's been a few days since Amelia's surgery. She's doing a lot better. She's so stubborn so I was worried her fall a few days ago would set her back, but she's gotten a lot more mobile. She can't totally walk without the crutches, but she can do it good enough. I've been staying with Owen and Amelia for a few days to help out, even though they probably don't need my help, I like to make sure they're both okay. And since they've converted Owen's room to a guest room it's convenient. I guess they're living together now, well more than they were before. If that makes any sense. But I loved both of them dearly. I was in the guest room reading a book when my door opened. It was Owen, and he looked stressed.

"Honey what's wrong?" I asked.

"April called me and there was an explosion downtown, and they need me in the ER. Would you be okay helping Amelia while I'm gone?" He asked.

"Owen do not be ridiculous go help," I chuckled.

"Oh and Amelias mad at me," he chuckled, "so have fun."

"Well what did you do?" I said and put my book down.

"I didn't do anything," he said, "I just told her she wasn't allowed to come with me to the ER to do surgery." I chuckled and got up.

"Don't worry about us I'll make some dinner," I said, "now don't waste anymore time go over to the hospital."

"Thank you mom I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said. Owen left and I looked at the time. It was almost 6 and I'm sure I could start dinner. I knocked on Amelia's door.

"Come in," Amelia said. I opened the door and she was watching the news about the explosion downtown.

"Did Owen leave?" She asked.

"He did," I said, "I was going to start dinner."

"Oh don't be ridiculous I'm fine I can make dinner," she said and started to get up, "What do you want?"

"Oh honey just relax I'll make dinner," I said, "You're supposed to be resting."

"I'm so bored," she complained, "Can I watch you cook?"

"Sure," I chuckled. She grabbed her crutches and walked into the kitchen.


I was so bored out of my mind. I was mad at Owen for being able to go to the ER and not me. I meant I wasn't really mad at him. I was mad that I couldn't go. Evelyn was such a sweetheart. I was so beyond bored at home on bed rest. I asked her if she could just sit with me because I was so bored. We were watching mindless TV in bed.

"So are you and Owen more formally living together?" Evelyn asked, "Like now that you have a guest room?"

"I guess," I chuckled, "It was kind of an unconventional situation living together from the start. But yeah we've moved in to the same room."
Evelyn chuckled.

"I'm glad you two are happy," she smiled and I smiled.

"He's the best, even when he's annoying," I joked.

"Oh you can't be mad at him for not letting you go to surgery. You can't be standing for that long right now," Evelyn said.

"I know," I shrugged, "He knows I'm not really mad at him."

"Okay," Evelyn chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked and looked at her.

"Sure," she nodded, "you know that."

"Do you think I should text my mom? Let her know I had surgery?" I said.

"Yes, she would want to know you're okay and what happened," she said.

"I don't know. I don't think she cares," I said.

"Oh honey. She cares. And if she doesn't, I care," Evelyn said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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