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It's been a week since Owen and I have had sex. And we've done it every night since then. I don't know what we are. I don't know what we're doing. We act like a couple but also aren't a couple. I don't know. We were having Meredith, Derek, and Maggie over for dinner tonight. It was already getting late and I figured I should start getting ready.

"Amelia!" Owen said from his room. I walked into his bathroom and he was in the shower.

"Care to join?" He asked.

"Yes, but no sex," I said, "I want to spend time with you."

"Fine by me," he said and pulled me into the shower, "Are you excited we're having your family over?"

"Yes," I smiled and grabbed the shampoo.

"We don't have to have sex every time we shower or are together," Owen chuckled, "I don't want you to think that's what I'm doing."

"No I know," I nodded. But I didn't know.

"I can see you questioning it," he said.

"Well I don't know," I said.

"Well, do you want to be a couple?" He asked.

"Is this a conversation we should be having in the shower?" I chuckled.

"Do you want to be a couple Amelia?" He asked me seriously. I looked up at him and I instantly felt nervous. What if he didn't feel the same way. What if I was messing this up.

"Forget I asked your silence is enough," he said.

"No I-" I said sadly, "I want to be a couple."

"And you're sure about that?" He asked, I could tell he was hurt by my silence.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I'm sure."

"Okay," he nodded, "well, do you want to go out on a date with me?"

"I'd love to," I smiled. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Okay well let's finish getting ready okay?" He said.

"Okay," I smiled.


"The apartment is so cute!" Maggie smiled and hugged me.

"The decor is all Amelia," Owen joked.

"Obviously," I said. Maggie smiled and walked in.

Something was going on with Owen and Amelia. It wasn't bad, it was a good different. But you could tell something changed between them. I was standing on their little balcony looking at the view when I heard the door open.

"Hey," I smiled at Amelia.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, "you did a good job with the apartment."

"Thanks," she said.

"I have to ask about the elephant in the room," I chuckled, "what's going on with you and Owen?"

"Uh," she said as her face turned red, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" I chuckled.

"We're going out on a date soon," she said.

"That's good," I said, "he's a good man."

"He is," she nodded.

"Make sure he treats you right, or I will come over here and beat him up," I said. She chuckled and smiled.

"I don't think you'll be needing to do all that," She said.

I was laying in my bed on my laptop when my door opened a crack.

"Hey," Amelia said softly.

"Hi," I smiled. She was cute. She was in her pajamas and her hair was down.

"Was wondering if you wanted company?" She asked in a small voice.

"Always, come here," I said. She crawled into bed next to me and I closed my laptop. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. She snuggled into me and I smiled.

"You're adorable," I said.

"Am not," she chuckled.

"Yes you are," I said and pushed her hair out of her face.

"You're the most adorable person ever," I said and kissed her forehead. Her face flushed and she smiled.

"You're too nice," She said.

"Telling the truth Amelia," I said and kissed her softly, "only the truth."

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now