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I opened my eyes and rolled over. I took off today because I wasn't sure how long I'd need to unpack yesterday. I wasn't sure what Amelia did. I did hear someone in the kitchen though, so I assumed it was her. I threw on my pajama shirt and walked into the kitchen, where Amelia was making breakfast.

"Hey," I said, but I couldn't help but notice that she was only wearing a sports bra and pajama pants.

"Oh hey," she said, she seemed startled, "I thought you were at work."

"Oh no I took today off," I said.

"Oh," she nodded, "I see."

"What about you," I asked.

"I'm going in at 3," she said, "sorry I didn't realize you were here or I would've put a shirt on."

"It's fine," I shrugged. She went back to what I was doing and started making a cup of coffee. I turned the TV on and Amelia sat down on the couch. After a while I joined her and sat down next to her.

"Is it okay if my mom comes over later?" I asked her.

"Yeah I don't care," she said, "I'll probably be at work."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Don't show her my messy room," she chuckled.

"It's not messy," I nudged her, "just disorganized." She smirked and went back to eating her breakfast.

I walked into work and immediately changed into my scrubs. I only had one surgery today so I was hoping to get out of here kinda early. I walked out of my office and saw Maggie.

"Oh my gosh how are you?" She smiled, "how's the apartment?"

"It's good," I smiled, "how're you?"

"Good," Maggie said, "how's it living with Owen?"

"It's fine," I said.

"Are you guys more than friends?" She said.

"What?" I chuckled, "no, Maggie we've been over this."

"I'm just saying," she shrugged and walked away. I rolled my eyes and went back to my paperwork before surgery.

"Oh this is so cute," my mom smiled, "it's very cozy."

"The living room was all Amelia," I chuckled.

"Well obviously, I'd be surprised if you picked out throw pillows," my mom joked. I was making dinner for the two of us because she wanted to see the apartment. I think she's glad I was out of my trailer, because she too was afraid I would get struck by lightning someday.

"So," my mom said, "when are you going to tell Amelia you like her?" I almost chocked on my food and looked at her.

"I don't like Amelia," I said.

"Seriously Owen?" She chucked, "I'm not dumb. You've brought Amelia to all of our family functions. I see the way you two are. I hear the way you talk about her and look at her. No part of you has feelings for her?"

"Uh," I chuckled, "we're just friends."

"You would tell me if something was going on would you? You know I adore that girl," my mom said.

"If something was going on don't you think we'd get a one bedroom apartment," I joked and my mom rolled her eyes at me.

"Suppose you're right," she laughed. The door opened and it was Amelia. I could feel my face turn red as she dropped her eyes on the counter and smiled.

"Evelyn! I was hoping I'd see you here," Amelia smiled and hugged my mom.

"Oh hello I'm here too," I joked. Amelia looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Wow Owen so excited to see you too," she joked and walked into the other room. My mom raised and eyebrow at me and I chuckled.

"Mom she's just a friend," I said quietly.

"I didn't say anything," my mom shrugged.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now