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I scrubbed out of the OR and grabbed the table from outside to update the patients vitals. The surgery went well. Last night after Evelyn's I went home and got sleep and felt fine to come to work today. I turned around and saw my mother. She was talking to April. Poor April. She was too nice to blow anyone off and my mother was probably talking her ear off. I tried to go down the hallway but my mother saw me.

"Amelia!" My mom said, "you haven't responded to my texts."

"I wonder why," I said and looked down at the tablet, "I'm busy what do you want."

"Well for one I don't appreciate your boyfriend yelling at me," my mother said, "and just when I was starting to think he was a polite gentleman."

"Don't talk badly about Owen," I said sternly. I was trying to be civil because she was bombarding me at my place of work and I didn't want people to see me lose my cool.

"Well he shouldn't have spoken to me that way," my mother said.

"Well you shouldn't have spoken to me that way," I snapped, "He defended me. He stood up for me. He supports me through bad times which I would think my own mother should do but clearly you're incapable."

"Does he even know about your past?" My mother said.

"We've been friends for years he knows everything," I said, "my relationship is none of your business."

"Well I don't like him," my mother said.

"And he doesn't like you," I said.

"I don't know how he puts up with you," she rolled her eyes, "always rude and disrespectful."

"I don't know how dad put up with you. A fucking narcissist," I said, "now I'm trying to do my job get the hell out of here."

"Don't talk about your father like that," she said.

"Dad would've loved Owen, he would've hated who you've become," I said.

"Oh because he would've liked you?" She said.

"Leave right now before I call security," I said, "I'm serious."

"That's so ridiculous I'm your mother," she said. I paged security and went back to my tablet. I had to pull up a few patients so Edwards and I could start afternoon rounds.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"To do my job," I said, "you could make security's easier by going to the lobby."

"You're ridiculous Amelia," she said.

"That makes two of us," I smirked and walked down the hall to find Edwards.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Derek asked.

"My girlfriend? Where's your sister?" I chuckled.

"She called security on my mom and it caused this whole scene," Derek said, "This is why I never invite my mother places she just shows up unannounced."

"I don't know, she told me she had Edward's today as a resident so they're probably doing rounds or something," I shrugged, "Is Carolyn still here?"

"No," Derek said, "They dragged her out of here. Which honestly, good for Amelia."

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