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"Hey you leaving?" Owen asked as he walked into the locker room.

"Yeah in a few minutes," I said.

"Okay," he nodded. I grabbed my bag and smiled at him.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing," I said. We each got in our cars and drove back to the apartment. I beat Owen back so I just left the door unlocked and started taking a shower. I heard my bathroom door open and I peeked out of the curtain to see Owen.

"Get out!" I said.

"Okay, yes, you are right," he said, "but you can't leave the front door unlocked when you're here by yourself."

"You were a few minutes behind me," I said, "now get out."

"It's dangerous! You need to lock the door when you're alone," Owen said.

"I will, now leave!" I said as I went back to showering. He was such a goof. But he did it because he cared. It was sweet that he cared. I got out of the shower and got changed. I put on a bra and some pajama shorts and started brushing my hair.

"AMELIA!" Owen yelled. Shit. I ran into his room and he looked at me puzzled.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" He said.

"You yelled for me! I thought you were hurt!" I said, now fully aware of the fact that I should've put a shirt on.

"My ceiling is leaking," he said and pointed. He tossed me one of his shirts and I put it on.

"Oh shit," I said, "we can leave the landlord a message but I doubt he'll come out now."

"Yeah," Owen said, "Ugh."

"You can't sleep in here, what if the roof like comes in," I said.

"Yeah," he shrugged and grabbed his pillow. He threw it on the living room couch and went back to get a blanket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You just told me I can't sleep in here," he chuckled.

"Oh," I said, "well like you have a big surgery tomorrow I'm sure the couch isn't comfortable. You can share my bed."

"Okay," he shrugged, "thank you."

"Mhm," I smiled, "Should we put something under the leak so it doesn't ruin the floor?"

"Yeah I'm going to grab a bowl and some towels," Owen said. I helped him clean up the mess and then we walked into my room. We've never shared a bed before. Even though we've been friends for years, we never have. I laid down and he laid down next to me.

"This is comfier than the couch," he said.

"Told you," I said.

"Thanks again," he said.

"Yeah of course," I said, "goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said.


I opened my eyes and it was 3am. Ugh. I felt something on me. Owen. I looked down and his arm was over my waist. It was cute. I wanted to stay like this but the whole reason I woke up was to use the bathroom. I quietly got up and used the bathroom and came back out. Owen was rolled over facing the other direction. I laid back down and I felt him roll over.

"What time is it?" He said softly.

"3," I said.

"Mhm," he mumbled. I could tell he was half asleep. What I wasn't expecting was him wrapped his arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. I can't say I minded though. I loved his touch.

I opened my eyes and I had my arm around Amelia. Shit. I let go of her and awkwardly got up to use the bathroom. I hoped she didn't notice. I feel like I've made my crush on her too obvious lately. I feel like she would get weirded out. I walked out of the bathroom and she was on her phone.

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning," she said, "come back to bed." That made me smile. I laid back down next to her and she was on her side and looked at me.

"Can we snuggle?" She asked, "and you can totally say no that's fine. I just, it was kinda nice having company."

"Yes come here," I said. She laid her head on my chest and I put my arm over her.

"It was nice having company," I smiled.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now