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Prior in the night
I was out on the deck with my mom. It was awkward the say the least. I haven't seen her since I broke off my engagement with James years ago.

"Your boyfriend seems nice," she said.

"He is," I said.

"It's nice to see you finally settled down," she said, "was getting worried you'd fall off the wagon again."

"Gee thanks," I said, annoyed.

"Well I'm just saying. It's nice to see you've found someone stable," she said.

"You can give me a compliment without also giving a dig at my past," I said.

"You don't always have to be so hostile," my mother said, "it's your own fault you're even in this mess."

"This mess?" I asked.

"Yeah, you had a man that loved you and cared about you. And you threw it away to move here with Derek," my mom said. Love. Did she think Owen didn't love me? I mean we haven't said it yet, but I know I love him, and I'm sure he loves me. I mean I can't just assume he does, but he always makes me feel loved.

"That's in the past," I said, "James and I probably would have gotten divorced if we went through with the marriage."

"How would you even know that?" My mother said.

"We weren't a good match," I said.

"You don't even know that. You only ran because you were still in love with your dead husband," my mother said, "you never gave James a chance."

"Don't talk about Ryan," I said, "you don't understand what happened, and you know I don't like talking about it."

"Why? Because you can't admit you aren't fit to be a mother or wife?" She said. I felt my chest tighten and I needed to hold in my cry. I couldn't let her see that I was weak.

"You don't get to judge my motherhood," I said, "when clearly you aren't the best mother yourself."

"At least my children are alive," my mom said.

"I'm leaving," I said and turned for the back door, "OWEN WERE LEAVING!"


Owen kept begging me to tell him what my mom said. I can't tell him. I just want to go home, but he wants to say something to my mom. I can't tell him what she said. My mother is a monster.

"Please take me home," I cried.

"No," Owen said, "she needs to know she will not speak to you like that."

"You don't even know what she said," I said.

"I don't need to. Clearly she said something that upset you," Owen said. He got out of the truck and slammed the door shut. I didn't know if I should follow him. He didn't wait for me. He opened the door to Meredith and Derek's house and I finally got out of the truck. I ran up to the front door and stopped, as I could hear everyone yelling.

"I don't care what you said to her, but it was messed up. She is so incredibly upset and you've ruined her night. I don't care that you're her mother, I will not allow anyone to speak to the woman I love like that!" Owen said.

"You don't know who she is!" My mom yelled.

"If you're referring to her past, I do know who she is. I know what she's been through, and it makes her the strongest person I've known. I admire her every day for her strength. I will not allow you to sit here and diminish her because of her past. I love her and I will protect her, and I don't care if that means I have to protect her from you. I'd do anything for her," Owen said, "leave her the hell alone." He opened the front door and I was standing there.

"Let's go home," he said and put his arm around me. We got in the truck and he closed the door.

"I didn't mean to yell at her I'm sorry," Owen said, "it just made me mad that she thinks she can walk all over you and ruin your night and make you cry."

"You love me?" I asked and looked at him.

"Obviously," he chuckled, "of course I love you. I guess it kind of slipped out when I was yelling. I obviously wanted to tell you first."

"I love you too," I smiled.


"Can I ask what she said?" Owen asked gently. We were sharing a bath again and he was rubbing my back.

"You don't want to know," I said.

"If you're comfortable, I'd like to know so I can comfort you," Owen said and kissed my shoulder. I always melted when he did that.

"She um," I said softly.

"Take your time love," Owen said, "I'm right here."

"She told me I wasn't fit to be a mother or a wife and then I told her she couldn't judge me on being a mother because she isn't a good mom to me and then she said," I said crying.

"It's okay, you're doing good," Owen said softly.

"She told me at least her kids are alive," I said in a small voice. So quiet I don't know if Owen could hear. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

"You are an amazing mother," Owen said,
"Christopher was so lucky to have you."

"She's so mean to me," I cried.

"Well she's completely wrong," Owen said, "you're the most amazing person in the entire world."

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