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My heart aches for Amelia. I know what it's like to lose a child, and for her mother to throw it in her face is awful. I've always known Amelia was strong, but the things she's overcome is immense. I'm even more proud of her than I've been. I love her like my own daughter. She was currently sitting at the counter on her laptop doing some work. I forced her to go lay down for a few hours and take a nap, I could tell she laid awake in bed all night thinking about her mother's words. I could not let her go to work and operate on patients.

"How's work?" I asked and handed her a cup of coffee.

"Oh thank you," Amelia said, "good, Derek sent me a few scans over for a second opinion, and I have to sign off on a bunch of the interns hours."

"I told Owen to come over for dinner when he's done in the OR," I said. She smiled and nodded.

"That sounds wonderful," Amelia said, "thank you for letting me stay here today. I know I am totally intruding and I'm so sorry if I ruined your day."

"Amelia, nonsense, you didn't ruin my day. I quite literally had nothing planned. Now that I'm retired, I don't do a whole lot of anything," I joked.

"Don't tell me that because I'll stop by more often," Amelia joked. I smiled and finished making my lunch.

"I wouldn't mind one bit. I love you like my own child dear," I said. She looked up from her computer and smiled at me.

"Thank you for all you've done," she said softly, "you better call me whenever you need a project done in your house because I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything dear," I chuckled, "you make my son the happiest I've ever seen him, and that is more than enough for me." She blushed and smiled.

I unlocked my mom's door and heard Amelia and my mom in the kitchen. I brought over some takeout for the three of us. I walked into the kitchen and the two of them were playing some card game. Amelias eyes lit up when she saw me, which I thought was adorable.

"Hi honey," I smiled and kissed her head, "I see you've stolen my mother."

"Oh nonsense Owen," my mom chuckled.

"Come sit with us," Amelia said and patted a spot next to her. My mom smiled as she got out plates for dinner.

"How was your day? Are you feeling okay?" I asked Amelia as I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah," she nodded, "thank goodness for your mother or I would have gone to work on 2 hours of sleep."

"Thank you mom," I said, "someone is too stubborn to listen to their own body."

"Shut up," Amelia chuckled and nudged me. I put my arm around her and the three of us ate dinner. I am so glad Amelia is feeling better. I hope she doesn't think what her mom said is true. Because it's not. She is the most wonderful mother in the world, and I know she would make an amazing wife one day too.

Omelia: One Apartment Where stories live. Discover now