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I opened my eyes and I was in Amelia's old bedroom. We stayed the night since Meredith and Derek were getting off late. Amelia was passed out next to me, still snoring a little. She was cute. I got up and kissed her head and her shoulder and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Meredith was making the kids breakfast.

"Uncle Owen!" bailey smiled and hugged me. I picked him up and brought him over to the breakfast table.

"Good morning little guy," I smiled.

"Uncle Owen where's Aunty?" Zola asked.

"She's still sleeping ZoZo," I said.

"Guys make sure you all have your backpacks when daddy drives you to school," Meredith said and gave them all breakfast, "Owen do you want some eggs."

"Oh I'm okay I was just going to make a coffee," I said. The kids ran back upstairs to get ready.

"How were they last night?" She asked.

"Oh they were angels," I said, "no problems."

"Thank you again guys for watching them," Meredith said, "Derek and I both really appreciate it."

"Of course," I said, "Amelia and I don't mind."

"So you two finally put a label on it," Meredith chuckled as she was cleaning up breakfast.

"We did," I smiled.

"I'm happy for you," she said.


I was now at work and I missed Amelia. I was about to scrub in for my surgery when the door opened and it was her.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hey, you scrubbing in?" I asked.

"Yeah, Bailey asked me to monitor the brain levels," she said. We both scrubbed in and Amelia took her place by the monitor.

I scrubbed out of the surgery and Owen was closing up. I walked down the hallway and opened the door to his office. I laid down on his couch and pulled out my phone.

"Thought I'd find you in here," Owen chuckled.

"Where else?" I joked and he came over and pecked my lips.

"What time do you get off?" I asked him.

"Midnight," he said.

"Boo," I chuckled.

"You get off earlier or later?" He asked.

"Later, 2am," I said.

"Guess I'll just have to sleep in bed all alone," he pouted.

"Guess you will," I shrugged.

A few days later
I haven't actually told my mom Amelia and I are dating. I should. I know she'll be so excited. Amelia and I have been dating for a few weeks now so I've decided I should tell her. We were out to lunch since it was my day off.

"Oh honey, Brett and I wanted to have you over for dinner again," my mom smiled. She was happy with Brett.

"He wanted to bring his son too," my mom said.

"Okay," I nodded, "Sounds like fun."

"Do you like him?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I do like him," I said, "I will be honest. It's weird seeing you date after dad, but Brett is nice. He's very kind to you and you look very happy mom."

"Oh don't make me cry Owen!" She joked. I chuckled and sipped my coffee.

"Would it be okay if I brought my girlfriend to dinner?" I asked. My mother almost choked on her food and looked at me.

"Your girlfriend?" She smiled.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "you might know her. Short, brown hair, chatty."

"Named Amelia?" My mom laughed.

"That's the one," I smiled.

"Oh my god Owen finally!" She said, "I would've slapped you if you named another woman but her!" I laughed and she smiled.

"Yes I'm aware," I chuckled, "She's really great."

"Owen I'm aware," my mom said, "I adore that girl."

"You and me both," I smiled.

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