Adam x Lute I

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It's pouring one night, and Adam is asleep in bed at 1 a.m. The roar of thunder awoke him briefly. It's like monsoon season in heaven, with rain at least once or twice per week for the entire month. Adam checked the time on the clock when he heard the thunder again, which made him jump. He despised this time of year for this reason; he enjoyed the rain since the sound was relaxing, but he could care less about the thunder and lightning.

Adams POV

I despise it when it storms at night; it always wakes me up, and the sound of the ridiculous thunder always makes me tense. It's literally 1 in the morning, I want to sleep, but I won't be able to with all that ruckus outside. I'll just call Lute, I won't tell her im calling because of the storm, though, I laughed to myself as I picked up the phone and began calling Lute.

- Back to 3rd person -

Lute - "Adam, it's 1 in the morning. What do you want?"

Adam - "Oh eh nothin much, just seeing what you're up to"

Lute - "Sleeping, I was sleeping. What are you doing awake again anyway? Usually, you're always sleeping, you lazy bum. "

Adam - "Oh yeah, well I just -"

He got cut off by the sound of thunder

Lute - "You know, I noticed you always call late like this during the thunderstorms. Are you scared of a little thunder?~" 

Lute teased him, chuckling at the fact that the powerful Adam was scared of a little storm

Adam - "Fuck you Lute, I am not."

Lute - "Yeah yeah sure, do you want me to come over to protect you from the big bad thunder?~"

Lute continued teasing him

Adam - "I'm not scared of fucking thunder! But if you wanted to come over, I wouldn't say noo.."

Lute chuckled

Lute - "Well then, if you don't need me, I guess I'll just go back to sleep,"

Lute said, pretending like she would hang up but knowing he would give in.

Adam - "fucking christ Lute, fine yes I want you to come over. Bitch"

Lute - "Haha, I know. Alright, you big baby, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."

Lute said before hanging off the phone, she started getting dressed and flying over to Adams' place in the rain. She was almost completely saturated when she arrived. "The things I do for this guy," she thought as she knocked on the door.
Adam opened the door,

Adam - "Finally, fucking christ Lute your drenched"

Lute - "Well I did just fly through the rain to get here, so"

Lute replied, shivering, it was cold because it was night and raining.

Adam - "Well shit you must be freezing, here let me get you something real quick."

Adam says, running off to his room before Lute could even say anything.
He came back with one of his robes,

Adam - "Here, so your clothes arent fucking drenched"

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