Adam x Lute XVI

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Adam and Lute fell asleep together, Lute in Adam's arms. Things were going back to normal...well, almost, obviously, a new addition will be added, which is both interesting and different for the two of them.
As they were sleeping, Lute was having a dream in her dream it was her, Adam, and a baby in the living room, Adam was holding the kid while scrolling on his phone. It made Lute smile as she saw this. In her dream, Adam was about to say something.

Adam - "Lute? Cmon Lute, wake up."

Lute woke up to Adam's words,

Lute - "I'm up!"

Adam - "Fuck finally, you kept holding ms super tightly."

Lute - "Shit, my bad. I love youu"

Adam - "You're in a good mood this morning."

Lute - "Well, I woke up on the good side of the bed, soo"

As Adam walked away from Lute, he picked up a new, already open and halfway empty bottle of liquor and took a swig.

Lute - "Adam? What the fuck,"

Adam heard Lute's voice and practically spit out the swig.

Adam - "Fucking christ, fuck. I'm sorry, Lute. Shit.. uh, you want some?"

Lute - "No, I'm pregnant dumbass. You've drinken enough this month. You're going to make yourself sick!!"

Adam - "I'm sorry! I just saw it, and I forgot. Okay? Fuck."

Lute gets up and takes the bottle from Adam.

Lute - "No more. Okay?"

Adam - "You got it, babe."

Lute smiled and kissed him on the cheek, Adam blushed. He was willing to stop even if it was a little difficult if I meant Lute loving on him.
Lute walked away into the kitchen with the bottle. She put it on the counter.
She went to look for food or something to make just to see that everything was either expired or gone.

Lute - "Fuck, Adam we or I have to go grocery shopping? Are you going to come with me or not?"

Adam - "I'm fucking coming with you, I was away from you long enough."

Lute - "Alright, well let me go get ready then we can go."

Lute went into the bathroom and put something more formal on, and began brushing her hair and doing her makeup and eyeliner. As she got ready, she looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe she was going to have a kid. She was honestly scared but also excited. I'm a little nervous at how Adam might be with kids, but he already has two. How bad could it be? She finished getting dressed and getting ready. She walked back into the living room and met Adam outside. He was waiting for her.

Adam - "You ready tits?"

Lute - "Yes, let's go,"

They began flying together, and Adam started doing tricks in the sky, Lute noticed what he's doing.

Lute - "Adam, what are you doing?"

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now