Adam x Lute IX

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With Adam when he flew away to find the Moving Angel.
Once he left, he landed on the streets of heaven and began walking. He pulled the piece of paper out of his pocket and read the number. He dialed it into his phone and began calling it. The angel answered.

Moving Angel(M/A) - "Hello?"

Adam responds in a high-pitched girl voice

Adam - "Hello, Uh hot stuff."

Adam says, trying to think of something a girl would say.

M/A - "Who is this?"

Adam - "Uhm, you came to my house and moved my stuff and left your number on a box. Uh, Daddy. "

Adam wispered under his breath turning away from his phone, "what the fuck" Adam said slightly giggling.

M/A - "Oh, you're that chick from earlier. Well, what do I owe the pleasure of"

Adam - "Well, uh, I don't know. You tell me, my uh shnookums"

M/A - "Well, you could come to this place I'm at, and we could uh...have some fun."

Adam rolled his eyes and was jealous that this dude was talking to who he thought was talking to Lute like this.

Adam - "Well, ok."

M/A - "Sounds good, I'll text you the address, babe."

The moving angel hung up the phone, Adam rolled his eyes and waited for the angel to text him the address. Eventually, he did. It was an abandoned area that some people tend to hang around for scenery since it still looks nice even though it's abandoned.
Adam began flying towards the place since he already knew where it was. Once he got there, he started walking through it,

Adam - "Hello?"

He said he was still using his very fake girl voice.
5 guys emerged out from behind a bunch of different pillars, Adam looked confused, but everyone there appeared pretty confident.

M/A - "Ah, so not the chick from earlier. I assumed as much. Doesn't make any difference to me."

Adam looked confused and kind of just stood there.

(Ok, so the 5 angels will be called,

Angel 1 - M/A

Angel 2 - A2

Angel 3 - A3

Angel 4 - A4

Angel 5 - A5)

Adam - "Uh what the fuck is happening?"

A2 - "Well, I suppose we can just get rid of this one."

A4 - "Yeah, then he can catch the girl later,"

Adam - "Don't you dare fucking touch her."

M/A - "What are you going to do? Fight all of us, and win?"

A5 - "Seems unlikly."

Adam - "If I have to I fucking will."

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora