Adam x Lute XIV

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- Lute after she temporarily moved out -

Lute stood there as Adam flew off. She felt bad for treating him like she did. She loved him, but she knew she had to do anything she could to have the best performance to her potential. She knew she would come back after the extermination, Adam was a part of her life. They were joint by the heart.
Despite Adam leaving, Lute was still hungry too, so she decided to get something really quick. She flew over to McHeavens and got some food to go. She saw out the window as she was leaving that Adam was also there, guess he was hungry after all. Lute left with her food and didn't want to bother him. She flew to a near bench and started eating. It felt peaceful. She missed Adam, but this peace was nice.
Eventually, she got up and started walking again, throwing her gargage in a shiny golden trashcan she still wasn't ready to face Adam again. She started to feel sick, so she called Emily, asking if she could come over for a little bit. Emily obviously said, of course, but not for too long since Sera had work for her to do later.

Lute flew over to Emily and Sera place, feeling nauseous.

Emily - "Heyy Lute!!! So why did you want to come over, I would have thought you would be with Adam,"

Lute - "It's a long story... but I felt really sick, so I had to, I guess, go somewhere.."

Emily - "Oh no! Do you want me to call Adam so he can help you a bit?"

Lute - "No no thats fine."

Lute said she didn't think Adam would care or want to deal with her after how she treated him earlier. Lute felt her nausea getting worse and went to Emily's bathroom and threw up. Lute was used to Adam being there for her when she would throw up, but this time, she was alone.

Emily felt bad and confused about what was going on between the two. She heard Sera call out for her.

Sera - "Emily, I have an assignment for you."

Emily "Okay!! Coming, Sera!!"

Emily went over to the bathroom door.

Emily - "Lute, I'm sorry! I have to go, so when you're done in there, you might have to go home... I hope everything works out, though!!"

Lute finished throwing up, and Emily was already gone. Lute flew back to the streets as it was dark out.. she ran into Saint Peter?

(Lute and Saint Peter have their conversation from the previous chapter)

Lute goes back to Adam's house, and since she lives there, he would have nowhere else to sleep.
She opened the door to see Adam sulking and crying on the couch. She saw him wipe his tears, and his face lighted up at seeing her despite him being hammered just her presence, managed to make him smile.

Adam - "Lutee! Your back!"

(Her and Adam have the scene from the previous chapter + the scene where Lute leaves)

Lute flies away again, roaming the streets. She feels sick once again, so she sits down and takes deep breaths.
Suddenly, Saint Peter walked past Lute sitting on the bench.

Saint Peter - "Omigod, so we meet again. So, how did your thinking go? Spill the tea sista. "

Lute - " and Adam are kind of on a break now, I guess.."

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now