Adam x Lute XXVI

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Adam and Lute went to bed while Julia was lying in the crib. They all were asleep, but little did Adam and Lute know that wouldn't last very long. About an hour after they fell asleep, Julia woke up crying loudly, which woke up Adam.

Adam - "Luteee, turn it off! I'm tryna sleep!"

Lute - "Mmm.."

Lute mumbled, not really saying anything, still asleep. Julia continued crying.

Adam - "Lute!"

He sat up as Julia continued crying.

Adam - "Ughhh. Fuck! Julia, stop crying!"

Julia continued crying.

Adam - "The fuck? I said fuck! I thought that was supposed to work!"

Lute rolled over, still asleep. Adam knew she was tired from the whole making a whole angelic kid and birthing one. He got up out of bed and picked Julia up.

Adam - "Why are you crying."

Julia cried not as loudly now that Adam was carrying her. He shrugged it off and carried her back to the bed where Lute was still asleep. He sat there trying to figure out what was wrong.
Julia whined a bit, which now had waken Lute.

Lute - "Huh?! What's wrong?"

Lute asked, scooting over to Adam, who was holding Julia.

Adam - "I don't fucking know."

Lute - "Here let me see her."

Adam handed her to Lute.

Adam - "Can I go back to sleep now."

Lute - "Just wait a minute, Adam."

Lute looked at her for a minute, trying to think of what might be wrong. She checked the diaper, which was still clean. Maybe she was hungry? Lute thought.

Lute - "She might be hungry, here hold her for a second I'll be right back."

Adam took Julia from Lute. He continued sitting in bed with the now calmer Julia as Lute got up and went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle.
They ended up having to bottle feed due to Lute and Adam drinking quite a bit before she was pregnant. Even though Adam definitely drank more than Lute, did the amount still do damage, apparently.

Lute - "Alright, let's try this."

Lute held the bottle to Julia, and she started drinking from it.

Lute - "Yay, I solved her problem!"

Lute started clapping proud of herself. Adam looked at their clock and realized what time it was. It was 1:24am.

Adam - "What the fuck man, it's like the middle of the night."

Lute - "Well this is what we will have to deal with for the next...couple years."

Adam - "YEARS?"

Lute - "Yeah, but it's okay. We'll manage."

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now