Adam x Lute V

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Adam decided to go out and look for Lute in the storm. He couldn't find her earlier despite thinking it would be easy to. He started walking around Heaven. He didn't want to fly during the storm and risk getting hit like Lute did, cause if that were to happen, he would have no chance of finding her. He began shouting in the streets,

Adam - "Lute?! Lute?? Where the hell are you?!"

He continued walking around, hoping to at least find or hear something to lead him in the right direction. He found a bench and decided to sit and think about where she possibly could have gone.
Could she have gone back to her place? I mean, I could check?
But where else would she go?

He got up and walked the distance to Lute's house desperately, hoping to find her there. He finally made it and knocked on the door and waited for a minute. No response. He sat on her porch and got back to thinking of where she possibly could have gone. He doesn't know any places she genuinely likes to go to just to sit and relax except his house and her own. Adam sat for a minute with his face in his hands and though "I need a fucking drink" hoping it would give him some ideas to where she could be, and maybe give him some energy to keep looking during this shitty weather.
He began walking. there's only one bar type place in all of heaven for the "responsible drinkers" but everyone was welcome there, there were just a lot of rules to go with it like how much you could drink and all that.
He walked inside, and there were a couple of people inside, not including the bartender Angel. He decided to take a seat at the bar, and there were two people on the left side of him, a girl whose face he couldn't see, and a male angel.

He minded his own business and ordered a screwdriver shot (basically a shot of vodka with orangejuice).

He couldn't help but overhear the conversation happening right next to him. The girl was clearly hammered despite only having about 2 finished drinks next to her.

Male Angel - "Cmon lady, you should come back to my place. I'll take good care of ya. "

Female - "N-no, I'm good....ill stay here hiccup"

Adam recognized the females voice despite not seeing her face he knew exactly who it was.

Male Angel - "Come on, dont be such a buzzkill,

Adam looked furious at the male angel now that he knew who he was talking to. Adam never would have suspected to find Lute here, but now he's glad he wanted a quick drink or else who knows what might have happened, Adam also knows Lute isnt good at handling drinks either and gets really drunk really easily which makes her very vulnerable.

Lute - "I.. hiccup o-okay.."

Male Angel - "Good girl, now let's get out of this joint."

Adam looked furious and slightly jealous that Lute was about to go with this asshole but he knew it was the drinks talking and not her.

Adam - "How about you fuck off"

Male Angel - "Excuse me? How about you mind your own buisness."

Adam - "How about you get your fucking head out of your ass, and get the hell away from my girl before I beat the ever living fuck out of you."

Lute looked up once she recognized the voice despite being in her state.

Lute - "A-Adam?"

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