Adam x Lute X

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Lute was still sitting on the couch as Adam got up to see who was at the door. He looked through his peephole.
It was Sera.

Adam - "Fuck my life."

He opened the door

Adam - "Heyyyyy Sera"

Adam said smiling akwardly, annoyed by her interrupting his conoodling with Lute.

Sera - "Adam, I heard from Serphim Emily that you had got into a fight. She claims you did participate, but she listed you as self-defense. Is this accurate?"

Adam - "Uh yeah, I fought them cause these motherfuckers just started coming at me. I didn't even win, that fuckin douche bag knocked me out right before I was about to win"

Sera - "Okay, well then I suppose your okay then since none of the angels you fought with complained before this. I'll put it down as self-defense, but I'd very much appreciate it if you stayed out of trouble. Mr."

Adam - "Uh, okay, well thanks but. I'm a little busy heh-"

He said, gesturing that Lute was there. Lute waved at Sera, covering herself with a blanket, which appeared suspicious, but she was just trying to hide the revealing dress.

Sera - "Hello, Lute, and I shall be on my way then. You two, uh, be safe and use protection"

Sera flew away.

Adam - "Wait, the fuck? Protection, what does she think were doing? What a weirdo."

Adam said, going back over to Lute, hopping over the couch and sitting next to her again.

Lute - "Do you want to get a drink?"

Adam - "Sure, today's been fucking chaotic. Just don't get to fucking drunk and be a weirdo"

Lute - "No promises."

Adam - "Fuckk, whatever. Okay, I dont feel like going somewhere, so I'll just order some."

Lute - "Alright,"

They sat there as Adam made a delivery order on his phone.
They were waiting, and eventually, their delivery showed up. Adam got up and picked up the delivery from outside and brought it inside. He popped open the bottle and took a swing.

Adam - "Fuck"

He gave the bottle to Lute, and she took a swing.

Lute - "Thats strong, fuck"

Adam - "Do you want to play a game Lutie?

Lute - "Lutie? Really? Also, what kind of game."

Adam - "How about uh, like. Fucking never have I ever drinking edition, like if you've done the thing you have to drink or something."

Lute - "Alright, yeah lets fucking do it"

Adam - "And, if the we haven't done it, then we kiss."

Lute - "Okay your on"

Adam - "Okay ill go first, never have I ever had brutal buttsex"

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now