Adam x Lute XXVIII

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Adam walked out the door and began flying to Sera, leaving Lute with Julia.
He continued flying, pissed off that Sera had laid her off from the exterminations. Eventually, he arrived at Sera's, and Emily was there as well. He barged in.

Adam - "Sera I need to fucking talk to you."

Sera - "Adam? We have no meet-ups planned."

Adam - "Cut the fucking crap, you know what I'm here for."

Emily - "Is everything okay?"

Sera glared at Adam, knowing what he was here for.

Adam - "Don't think I wont fucking say it. We are having this conversation now."

Sera - "Very well. Emily, would you mind giving me and Adam some privacy."

Emily - "It sounds very serious, could I stay?"

Sera - "NO. Emily, leave now."

Emily - "O-oh. Alright.."

Emily got up and flew out of the room sadly, glacing at Sera for shouting at her before flying away, closing the door behind her. Adam felt bad for Emily but had to have this conversation now.

Sera - "Well. Speak."

Adam - "You can't fucking fire my luitenant?! Isn't that my job first off?? Plus I would never fire her, she is one of the best exterminators we have. Maybe even better than me, which I hate to say."

Sera - "It was necessary. And I can't fire you. that's not logical."

Adam - "Your not fucking firing her."

Sera - "Okay, listen."

Adam crosses his arms and stares at Sera angrily.

Sera - "Either Lute gets laid off, and you stop getting aggressive at me about it and go back home to your little girlfriend and daughter and deal with my decision that I made in order to keep heaven intact without finding out about the extermination."

Adam - "Or?"

Sera - "Or Lute can continue fighting in the exterminations, but you lose your daughter permanently."

Adam stared at Sera even more agrivated than before.

Adam - "Im sorry what the fuck?"

Sera - "You both can't go to exterminations, it could cause people to find out about them if you get babysitters. But if you both so desperately want to go, then... there's always the option to you know...."

Adam - "To fucking what?"

Sera - "make Julia a fallen angel."

Adam - "No fucking way. Your fucking insane, don't you fucking touch my kid you crazy bitch."

Sera calmly stood there and said nothing and Adam aggressively left slamming the door behind himself as he started flying back to his house.
Once he got back, he opened the door and closed it behind himself.

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