Adam x Lute XIX

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Lute woke up a couple of hours after Adam fell back asleep. She didn't know he woke up earlier. She noticed he was sweating perfusivley and was burning up. She shook him, hoping to wake him up as she got a little worried.

Adam - "Ughh, what is it?"

He groaned, tired and irritated with a headache still.

Lute - "Are you feeling okay? Your burning up?"

Adam - "I feel like fucking dogshit, my head is fucking killing me. Let me sleep, fuck.."

Lute - "You gotta take some medicine, stay up for a minute and let me get it."

Adam - "No Lute, stay here your comfortable"

Lute - "I'll be right back, but you have to take something."

She said getting up and going into the kitchen getting the thermometer and some Tylenol.
She went back to the room. Adam was groaning in pain, Lute stuck the thermometer in his mouth and took his temperature, which he had a fever.

Lute - "Adam, you have a fever. Here, take these."

She said, giving him a glass of water and the pills.

Adam - "Fine.."

He said, sitting up taking the medication.

Lute put her hand over his forehead,

Lute - "Do you feel hot or cold?"

Adam - "Its fucking hot as hell in here."

Lute - "Let me get something."

She said getting up again and went to the kitchen and pulled a washcloth out of the drawer, putting cold water on a washcloth. She went back into the bedroom and folded it.

Lute - "Lay down."

She said. Adam lay down, and Lute laid the wet washcloth on his forehead.

Lute - "How does that feel?"

Adam - "Better..but fucking relax babe. I'm fine, you're pregnant, just relax. Fuck"

Lute - "Adam, I can still do stuff despite being pregnant."

Adam - "Nuh uh. I saw you cry over fucking saint Peter having a spider named girlboss or some shit."

Lute - "Okay...well I know it has had me acting a little weird occasionally, but I can still take care of you."

Adam - "I'm suppose to be the one taking care of you. I just gotta fucking toughen up, i'll be fine. You relax."

Lute - "No, Adam, you have a fever. you're the one who needs to relax."

Adam - "Nah, I'm great, see,"

He said, getting out of bed about to walk to the door until his head started, aching worse as he moved. He held his head in pain. Lute got up and led him back to the bed.

Lute - "Lay down, please. You need to rest, i'll stay here with you if it makes you feel better."

Adam - "Fuck. Fine, but you don't need to get me anything. Got it?"

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