Adam x Lute VII

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Adam broke the kiss, still holding onto Lute. He looked down at her with twinkles in his eyes as he stared at her.
Lute was still flustered and looked into Adam's eyes as he continued smiling at her.

Lute - "You're such an ass!"

Lute said, hiding her flustered face in his chest. Adam chuckled and picked her up and started flying back to his house.
Once he got to his house, he opened the door, and they walked back inside, Lute sat down on a chair and tapped her fingers on the table, still flustered. To the point where she couldn't even look at Adam without smiling. Adam was in the kitchen and started looking for snacks.

Adam - "So uh Lute?"

He asked while chewing on a pickle he pulled out of the fridge.

Lute - "What?"

She asked, still not looking at him, and still very flustered.

Adam - "So, did you get the hint yet?"

Lute - "What hint?"

Adam frowned

Adam - "You know!! What do you want from me? Do I have to just tell you straight up? Fuck Lute, your so difficult."

Lute - "Just tell me!"

Adam - "I love you! Fuck."

Lute's eyes widened as she finally looked at Adam and stared at him.
Adam looked at Lute defeated, waiting for her to say something.

Lute - "I.. I love you too..."

Lute admitted, blushing while still sitting there.
Adam's face absolutely lit up, and he started bouncing around again, smiling. He hopped over the counter and went over to Lute and picked her up off the chair and started spinning around.

Lute - "Adam put me down!"

Adam - "I can't hear youuuuu~"

Lute - "Adam!"

Adam - "Say it again, and I will."

Lute - "Put me down!"

Adam - "Damnit no! The other thing!"

Lute - "What? That I love you too? Yeah, you heard me correctly."

Adam - "Eee!!! You said it, you love me~"

Lute - "Now put me down!"

Adam - "Fine. Can we kiss again?"

Lute - "No."

Adam - "Pleaseeeeeeee"

Lute - "Adam."

Adam - "Pleeeeaaaaassseeeeee"

Lute - "Adam!"

Adam - "pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssseeee"

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now