Adam x Lute XXV

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After the doctors run the tests on Lute and Julia, they bring Julia back and Adam's sitting on the chair. Lute's still in the hospital bed, and Adam is holding Lute's hand.

Doctor - "So all of your guy's tests seemed to come out good, so we should be able to get you guys discharged by today."

Adam - "Finally, I won't have to sleep in a fucking shit chair anymore."

Lute - "You chose to sleep in the chair."

Adam - "Well I'm not going to leave you two here! Fuck."

Lute giggled. The doctor handed Julia to Adam and left the room for a couple of minutes.

Adam - "Say Fuck."

Lute - "Adam!"

Adam - "Whhaattt."

Lute - "Her first words aren't going to be a curse word!"

Julia giggled at them.

Adam - "See, she likes the curse words. Fuck, fuck, fuckidy, fuck, fuck."

Julia laughed and clapped her baby hands at him cursing.

Lute - "Ha, she's definitely your kid. But stop cursing. She doesn't need to know how to curse before she's even a year old."

Adam - "But she likes it."

Lute - "I'm sure there's other things she'll like too."

Adam - "But I like it."

The doctor walked back into the room with some papers.

Doctor - "Okay, here are your discharging papers. Just sign them, and you all are free to go."

Lute and Adam signed the papers and got up and started getting ready to go.

Lute - "Do you want me to hold her?"

Adam - "Uh no."

Lute - "Okayyy."

Adam - "Wait, I wonder if she can fly, I mean, she has wings."

Adam tossed Julia, expecting her to start flying, Lute caught her before she hit the ground.

Lute - "What the fuck??"

Adam - "...I guess she can't fly yet."

Lute - "Of course she can't fly yet! She's literally barely 2 days old!"

Adam - "Can I have her back now."

Lute - "No."

Adam - "Aw, okay."

They start flying back to their house, and on the way there, Saint Peter flys near them.

Saint Peter - "Omigod, the little Lute is born. Yas queen"

Adam - "Actually, she's a little me-"

Lute rolled her eyes at Adam while smiling.

Adam x Lute GuitarSpear Fanfic Hazbin Hotel Where stories live. Discover now