(2)Ideal type?

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The next day you went to sit with them...Had some chit chats and a little questionnaire.

"So noona where are you originally from?" Jungkook asked while munching on his food.

"I'm from Incheon" you lied.

"Ohh so you had to leave your family to come here..." He said in a sad tone.

"I don't have one to leave" You said with a slight smile which clearly expressed your melancholy.

"Uh I'm sorry" Jungkook said while Jimin and Taehyung gave you "those" looks.

"Hey hey don't pity me or something! It's fine."

"Mhm soo uh what's your ideal type?!" Jimin suddenly asked changing the topic.

"Eh I didn't really think about it." You frowned.

"Oh come onn! Don't lie y/n-ie" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows giving you a naughty look.

"Uhm I guess my ideal type is.... someone who understands my words and my silence too.Somebody who won't judge me for who I am and accept the real me." You said after pondering over it.

"Woah deep.Marry me then"Jimin suddenly whipped out a chocolate from his pocket and held it like he's proposing you.

You laughed and just ruffled his hair.

"Hajimaa!!" Jimin protested because ofcourse his precious hairstyle should not be ruined.

You suddenly stopped because it reminded you of Yoongi.Him and his hajima~

"Y/n let's hangout tomorrow as it's weekend. Would you like to go out or just play overwatch with us if you're intere-"

"Ofcourse Overwatchh!!" You said in a cheerful voice cutting him off.

"Ohh let's then have a competition with you. We are experts in Overwatch." Taehyung said being proud of his expertise.

"Hm I see... you're underestimating me. Nevermind. I'll show you tomorrow." You winked at him in sass.

"Punishment?" Jungkook popped up in between breaking your intense eye contact with Taehyung.

"The loser will have to do shinchan dance in front of people on streets!" Taehyung gave his idea.

You just gave him a "what the heck" look.

"Shinchan dance!!Burii buriii~" Jungkook sang while doing hand movements.

Jimin and you looked at eachother before bursting into laughter.

"Ok then decided!" Taehyung said being excited.

"Oh lunch is about to be over. Let's go!"

And just like that you spent your day at college quite well, interacting with Hana and the three boys.

At Apartment

"Make sure that he doesn't get suspicious over anything."

"He's a chill guy. Infact he included me in their friend circle by himself. So I don't think he would have any suspicion over me."

"Be careful and keep an eye on everything around you. Conduct your mission well."

"Sure sir." You replied in an uninterested tone.

"Also do a little bit research about his other friends too. We don't want any unexpected threat right?"

"Sure. I'll do it."

"Ok" The man hanged up.

You let out a sigh before plopping onto your comfy bed.

"Guns and fights are better than this mission. I don't know how long will I have to carry on the act of being friends with him. Argh. Why did boss appoint mee?! Any other inferior agent could also have done it. Well after all he is Mr.Kim's son." You thought before closing your eyes and allowing yourself to drift in your dreamland.


"N-NO!" gunshot sounds


"No how can I? Please no!"

"NOO!" You woke up breaking out in cold sweat.Your heartbeat going faster and faster.

"Not again..." You gritted your teeth before going to washroom.

After washing your face with cold water,you looked at your reflection in mirror.

"I'll surely take my revenge. He'll perish and I'll make sure to have him under my foot begging for his worthless life."

Nightmares are a daily thing for you now. The picture of you hiding behind a house while seeing your own parents getting killed,still crystal clear in your dreams haunts you.

The only reason you're alive till now is that you want to avenge your parents.

You walked out of your apartment and went out for a night walk,with headphones on.


Taehyung was on his way back home.
He was happily munching on his chocolate bar until suddenly he felt somebody attacking him.

He didn't have any time to process the situation and he was trapped in a headlock, pressed on the surface of a wall. The person was dressed in all black and also had a mask on.

Taehyung tried to free himself from the person's grip.He tried to kick and punch but the force that the person was exerting on him was excruciating.

And in a matter of seconds,that person started punching him brutally without any single miss.

Taehyung tried to save himself but he was helpless.

A hard blow was about to hit his face , particularly near his eye but...the person was dragged back in a whoosh.

A loud scream could be heard across that alley which had the power of terrifying anybody nearby that pathway.

And suddenly the secret savior disappeared just as Taehyung was touching his own cheek feeling blood oozing out of there.

Taehyung was shocked and dumbfounded because of what just happened... Somebody tried to attack him and punched him and then all of a sudden he was rescued.

But out of all the chaos where processing any kind of information was hard for him,he could remember one single thing.

The scent of lavender.

The scent which his secret saviour had.

He wanted to thank that saviour but why would he/she suddenly disappear like that...?He thought.

Nevertheless he silently went to his house,not wanting any other trouble.

His parents rushed to him being worried after seeing his face filled with some bruises.

"What happened Tae???How did you get injured like that??"Mrs.Kim said clearly panicking while Taehyung's dad came back holding a first aid kit.

"It's ok mom... I'm fine... I'm safe now" Taehyung said trying to calm them down but it clearly didn't work.

"What fine?! Your face looks so screwed up right now and you're telling us it's fine huh?!" Mr.Kim raged while seeing his son like that.

"What actually happened though?" "Ah somebody attacked me but later on another person came to save me."

"Oh... that's good." Now there was slight calmness in Mr.Kim's voice.

Mrs.Kim treated his bruises and applied some ointment there.


"You should be more frequent in your job from now on as Taehyung is already attacked once."

"Sure sir."


Word count:1075

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :P

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