(6) Investigation

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⚠️TW: Self harm.

"You drew stars around my scars
And now I'm bleeding."
- Cardigan


That night you just drank to your heart's content....Even unknowingly shedding some tears but you harshly wiped them off before smashing the empty bottle on table.

You hurted yourself to cope up with the inner thunderstorm of misery and yearning. You picked up the broken pieces with bare hands even though your hands were bleeding. You brutally punched your hand on the wall that hurted the injury more and more.Blood drops splattered around you.

Your bruised knuckles indicated the slightest of your catastrophe. After awhile you stopped,hissing and clenching your jaw,you averted your gaze to the wounds.

You just sat on the floor, totally numb...head empty. And now you were suddenly smiling when those beautiful memories clouded your mind. It was like a slight zephyr for your suffocated spirit.

You were smiling while the tears kept falling. You didn't make any noise while crying. Silent cries are the most painful indeed.

You hugged your knees and closed your eyes but shot them open when that night's flashbacks twirled around your head. Still scary as ever.

And like that you finally drifted to slumber for just two hours but it was enough for you to calm down and collect yourself.


It was 2 AM when you woke up again...you just got up and went to take first aid to treat yourself.

You dressed your wound and just went to your balcony. The cold breeze swaying your hair as you stood there leaning over the balustrade.

You took in a deep breath to unwind yourself while blankly staring at your dressed wounds.

You tried to sleep again after awhile but it seemed like universe had no plans to let you sleep again so you found yourself just staring at the ceiling for hours, tossing around and changing positions again and again.

Finally what felt like years,it was 6 AM and you got up from bed, stretching out.

You went to kitchen to make yourself some omelette and toast along with a banana smoothie.

Silently eating in solitude you were calculating your future activities in mind.

You're gonna miss college today to start your investigation.

You went to freshen up and take a long warm shower to loosen up your muscles. After your morning routine you were ready to go to investigation centre.


Yoongi got a call from Mark as he was in his cabin studying some important documents.

"Hey man!" Mark exclaimed to which Yoongi responded rather calmly as per his persona.

"Hello Mark... what's up?" Yoongi asked while the sound of tapping could be heard as Yoongi continued typing something on laptop.

"Good bro.How about you?" Mark answered before proceeding to come to the main topic, "Also I intend to ask something from you."

"I'm good and yeah?" Yoongi stopped typing to be attentive to Mark.

"Is there something wrong with Y/n which she is hiding from us?" Now Mark was drop dead serious contradictory to his rather cheerful self.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi murmured while every bad thing that had happened to you till now came to his mind making him uneasy.

"Specifically if I ask... Case no.356? Why did she kill them?" Mark's question made Yoongi silent for awhile. There was pin drop silence until he finally answered back.

"She maybe killed them because they were being too much and it was not safe to leave them alive anymore. Also you're forgetting we do have permission to encounter criminals in serious situations." Yoongi tried to answer reasonably,more like an excuse.

Mark pressed his lips together but continued to ask out his suspicion, "Then why did she beat a police officer too?"

"A person can have anger issues sometimes and it can go out of hands sometimes. We all are humans,afterall. You need to stop digging up old graves. It has literally been 4 years since that. How did you suddenly get to this topic?"
Yoongi clenched his jaw while wondering how the heck did Mark suddenly think about this.

"I wasn't intending to dig up old graves but when I randomly talked about that case she got triggered and dragged me out of her apartment. So ofcourse I was concerned." Mark poked his tongue inside cheek while pondering over why even Yoongi is hiding it.

"Oh you talked with her yesterday?" Yoongi straightened up his back on the chair while spinning a pen in between his fingers.

Mark then told about his meeting with you and then again interjected him , "You're hiding it too... aren't you? Well it's fine, I won't force you or her. I believe she had her reasons."

"Thank you." Yoongi muttered and after a few more minutes of talking he hanged up on him.


Jimin , Jungkook and Taehyung thought that maybe you will come a bit late but you were absent.

Then Taehyung called you in recess time to ask why were you absent but your phone was unreachable.

On the other hand, you were already investigating the drug dealers.

None of them opened their mouth no matter how hard you tortured them.

"Where is your boss hiding?" You growled but the man remained silent.

"You don't deserve any mercy asshole." You scowled before shooting him in leg. He screamed so loudly and started shivering.

"Are you telling me or I need to demonstrate a few more shots?" You said in a low scary tone while beads of sweat started forming on the man's temples.

"I... I don't know." That was it. You shooted him again in leg.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" The other persons seated there for investigation after that man were terrified due to gunshots.

"I beg you. I really don't know. He ran away and nobody knows where." He begged for his life as the fear was visible in his eyes.

You angrily slapped him before calling a worker to take him out.

"Keep torturing him until we get any slightest bit of information." You said before proceeding to inquire another such dealer of the gang.

One after another , nobody knew where the boss was hidden. You were getting restless. After closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you went to your cabin to check the documents again.

You made some notes and tried to interconnect all those little bits of info. There were some locations where the boss had already resided so ofcourse everyone will think that he won't go there but there are chances that he is taking advantage of that thought-process of cops.

You were still analysing it all until one worker came to you to tell you one more information they had collected just now.

They have got the location where the boss was recently before he fled from there too.

That was all you needed.


Word count:1121


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