(21) Sobbing mess

21 1 5

Double update<3

"Now I'll never, never get to clean up the mess I made, oh

And that haunts me every time I close my eyes"

-When I was your man


You gritted your teeth and were about to say something but you halted as your peripheral vision caught sight of someone.

You forcefully removed her hands from you and ran back to the restaurant leaving Hana behind, standing there dumbfounded.

Seeing you back, Taehyung stood up and sat again when you were finally sitting on the chair infront of him.

"Is everything fine?What took you so long?" He asked being anxious.

"Yeah. Don't worry." You answered but your eyes were somewhere else. On somebody.

Soon Hana also came back and sat there while glaring at you.

You weren't even eating anything. You just kept glancing there.

Jimin nudged you and interjected,"What's wrong Y/n??"

"Huh?Ohh. Nothing. I'm... I'm not hungry actually."

The three of them looked confused over your sudden weird behaviour.

After they were done eating they all stood up and started walking out after paying.But you stood there still.

"Why are you still standing here? Let's go." Jungkook held your hand to go outside with you.

But you removed his hand and told him that you're coming back just in a few minutes.

They were puzzled but just went outside, waiting for you near the van.

Inside the restaurant,you kept staring at them.

Your steps faltered while going to them in hesitation.

Finally mustering up some courage you stood infront of them.

Your lips trembled to even say anything. You didn't know what to say.

They finally looked at you and their expressions immediately turned resentful.

"What are you doing here?" The man practically fumed while saying each and every word.

"H...how have you all been?" You managed to utter.

"What do you think after making us miserable?" The lady scoffed sarcastically.


"Don't you dare!" She snapped at you.

You fell silent after that.

"Why are you still standing here?!What more do you want from us,you witch!" The man exploded with hatred and anger in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." You lowered your head and were about to go outside when you heard,"Your sorry can't bring him back ever."

You ran outside after hearing that. Your throat ached as you tried to hold back your tears. After taking a deep breath you stumbled towards your friends who were waiting for you near the van.

"Sorry for late. I just met someone familiar." You said in a feeble voice trying your utmost to hide the fact that you are about to cry any moment.

"Ohh... it's ok!" Jimin said while smiling at you.

"Let's get in now." Hana said in an ice cold tone without even glancing at you.

You scoffed and got in the van to sit near the window.

During the ride back to home,you were just staring out of the window, totally silent. Everyone eventually peeked over you as they had sensed that something was definitely wrong with you.

When the van turned up to your apartment you silently got off without even bidding goodbye or looking back at anybody.It was like you were totally numb.


Your shaky body dropped on the bed, slowly letting everything out. A sob escaped your throat, then another one, and another one.


You looked towards the door to find Taehyung, who never thought a day would come to see the stoic self of yours in a sobbing mess.

"Please, don't...don't turn on the lights." You begged in a shaky tone.

Taehyung instantly knew what you meant: Please. Don't look at me.

"Y/n what happened? Please share it with me."

"Just go... please."

He didn't respond and just came closer to you. You quickly wiped your tears as he sat on the bed beside you.

You were now absolutely silent and stiff for which Taehyung felt bad. Because of him now you weren't even able to cry peacefully.

"It's ok if you don't want to share. Just cry to lighten your heart. I'm here for you." He said as softly as possible.

"What did you come here for?" You asked in a weak voice while nibbling your lower lip between teeth.

"To return your phone which you left in the van." He fiddled with his hands as he answered.

"Then go. They must be waiting for you right?" You finally looked up at him.

"I'm not going. I'll tell them to go only." He affirmed while making an eye contact with you.

He quickly left a message to Jimin saying not to wait for him and go.

You just scoffed not knowing what to say now.

Well this is awkward.

"Is it about the person you met at the restaurant?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yeah..." You looked down again and, your flushed cheeks and downturned lips clearly showcased your low spirit.

"Were they bullies or something?" His eyes darkened as he asked that with a deep manly voice, giving out the fact that he was being protective.

"No but they hate me...for valid reasons. I made a mistake in the past which made them hate me." Your voice was low in contrast with your confident and bold demeanor.

"Everybody makes mistakes. You can't change anything now. But if you truly feel sorry for your mistake,I believe it's ok to forgive you. Don't beat yourself up for it. Past is past." He intertwined his hands together with yours while his thumb slowly caressed your hand.

"Some mistakes can't be forgiven." You closed your eyes and just hugged your knees.

"Were your intentions bad?Did you mean it?It just happened by mistake right. We can do nothing now. I know you feel bad after meeting them but please try to not take their words to heart."

"What if I lost the most precious person to me...due to that mistake?" You looked up at him while your eyes were all puffy.

"Maybe try to get back together. You can try to talk to her...or him." He said in hesitation.

You chuckled after what he said and muttered,"Only if I could..."


Word count:1053

The revelation of those people at restaurant and the mistake will be... not so soon :)

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