
19 1 6

You quickly started your bike and went to that location along with a few more agents.

When you reached in that particular room of the building,it was locked.

You tried to open it with your hair pin first but it wasn't working so you just did your flying leap kick. Yup you're karate black belt too.

The door burst open and a pungent odour made your head ache but nevertheless you moved inside along with other agents.

After wearing the latex gloves,you all started prying to find any small clue left there.

There wasn't any single bit of document or even drug remnant.You all still continued your quest for clue.

Until your eyes fell to the trash bin, there was a paper on it.

You quickly went to see that crumbled little piece of paper. It was a bill of some cartons of tteokkochi from a restaurant. From just six days ago.


You went to that particular restaurant and asked the manager about the customers who bought that exact amount of Tteokkochi on that day.

There were totally ten customers.You quickly saw all the data about those customers in their computer and they were brought to your cabin.

Those people were ofcourse panicking and getting angry over why they were being suspected.

But you talked to them calmly," I'm sorry for your inconvenience but we need to do an urgent investigation. I already know that nine out of you all are innocent but please co-operate with us. It's really needed to save a massive number of people. We'll just carry on a short test which is no harm for you all. Thank you."

You observed each of their reactions after you said it all. Surprisingly none of them showed panic after it. So the culprit is sharp enough to blend in with the innocent ones to avoid suspicion. Impressive.

Hair follicle testing method was used to carry on the drug testing.

You ordered your juniors to keep those ten customers under surveillance.They would be watching over if any of them makes any suspicious move to run away or something.

It was already 11 PM when you came back to your apartment. You would be attending college tomorrow because the results of the test are gonna come out two days later.

You have eaten nothing allowed from the breakfast in morning. So you just made some instant ramyeon and ate it while checking your phone finally. There were some missed calls from Tae and Yoongi.

You thought that Taehyung is perhaps sleeping at that time so you didn't call him back instead you called Yoongi.

He answered on a single ring only.
" Y/n-ah you finally got free huh?" He said in a husky voice.

"Yup just got back to apartment." You said leaning back on your chair to relax.

"How's your investigation going on?" He asked while some sounds could be heard from the background.

"We found ten customers and one of them can lead us to the boss. We have done drug test on them to find out the required person. Also what's that sound?" You frowned and got back to slurping your ramyeon.

"Oh I see. It's just I was watching a movie." Now the sounds were much low as he turned down the volume.

"Ok then just continue watching. I'll be sleeping early because I have to attend college." You said with your mouth full of delicious savoury noodles as you took in the delight of eating it with some sausage on the side.

"Tomorrow? Won't you be going to workplace?" Yoongi asked to which you replied while still devouring your noodles.

"Nah the results will come out 2 days later so there's not much I can do till then. So it's better just focusing back on Taehyung since he got attacked already."

"Ah I see." He said understanding your point of view.

"Hm by the way I'm really sorry Yoongs. But I'm really sleepy right now. So I gotta go..." You trailed off nervously.

"Hey hey it's ok. You don't need to say sorry. I understand. You must be tired. Sleep well. Sweet dreams." He said in a defensive tone assuring you but didn't quite notice the word he used at last.

"Sweet? I just hope I don't have dreams at all." You said in a sarcastic tone while chuckling.

"Sorry y/n-ah. I didn't mean it." He apologized as you are really sensitive about those nightmares.

"Hey I know. Please don't be sorry. It's just sometimes I'm frustrated that I still suffer the same... nevermind. Bye. Good night Yoonie." You said in a gentle tone while still sounding really sad and after him saying good night you hanged up on him and cleaned your table.

You felt the need to take a shower but just laid on the bed feeling out of energy even though you just ate food. Maybe you were just being lazy but whatever.

"Don't leave me. Just hold on a bit more please."

"I will...my love."

"Where are you going? Please don't... I'll die."


"Please love..."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't leave."

You could see his figure leaving... walking out of that place while you were restrained.You could not do anything. You cried and cried seeing him leave and suddenly he disappeared...his soul disappeared as if a few particles dissolved into the air. Turning it all into a withering sparkly mess which enhanced the beauty of the already ethereal astral night but gave you scars as you felt the misery of moon which is alone in the starry sky with its scars.

As he disappeared you woke up again feeling dried tears on your cheeks. You turned on your phone and while your hands shivered slightly you turned on that audio.That voice which gave you comfort yet chills.


Word count:990

Hope you all had good time reading this chapter. Have a wonderful day/night!<3

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