(23) Dreams

35 1 12

Double update<3

That night God knows how many turns and positions it took you to finally sleep.

But as you slept late,at 4 AM, even the ten alarms that you set in your phone, couldn't wake you up.

You were sleeping with your legs and hands wide open, totally spreading on the bed and as usual your mouth open permitting free entry to mosquitos and houseflies.

Taehyung called you but you were busy eating apple in an amusement park while hugging icecream man who took out apple pieces from himself for you to eat while you ran with him on Sahara desert in your dreamland. You and your weird dreams.

(Author:I'm just describing my hella weird dreams-)

These dreams were far better for you than your nightmares.

At last you woke up at 1 PM having no idea of who you are or where you are. After yawning and stretching for good one minute you woke up and made your bed.

After doing your daily morning routine, you went to make some breakfast for yourself.

Not having much energy you just made a fruit salad to save all the fruits who were on the verge of rotting. God bless the noble soul of yours.

You finally sat on your couch munching on the pieces of fruits. After checking your phone you were shocked at yourself. How could you be that deep in sleep. Is it sleep or a fucking coma...you wondered.

You thought to drop a message for Taehyung thinking it wouldn't be appropriate for you to call him while he's attending a class.

You:Hey Tae!Sorry for not picking up your calls earlier! Actually I overslept :3

You placed your phone aside after leaving the message. You were in your normal PJs even though ninety percent of your closet consisted of Black.

You thought to go outside and just have some nice time. You went to your nearby park and firstly you went to that spot.

That spot where the small kitty resides.
On your way to college you always go after feeding her cat food.

As soon as she saw you she jumped on your lap and started to lick you,you just grinned and caressed her lovingly.

As you were playing with her,an old lady passed from there saying,"Such a kind lady."

You just looked back and passed a smile to her. She smiled back and asked you,"What is your name dear?"

"Han Y/n." You stood up with the kitty still in your hands and did a ninety degree bow to her.

"Such a pretty name." She said kindly while her wrinkled smile provided an indescribable comfort to you.

"Thank you ahjumma."

"You're new here, right?" She interrogated.

"Yes. I'm a transfer student actually." You informed her with politeness.

"Aigo. Your parents must have hardened their hearts to send their daughter away." She remarked with a sorrowful expression.

"Uh..." You stood there silent for the few seconds until she sensed that she probably said something wrong.

"I'm sorry if I-"

"No no ahjumma. It's not your fault. Uhm actually...my parents are not in this world anymore."

"Oh dear I'm sorry..." Sadness clouded her features as she apologized.

"By the way that's my house.Come there to meet me anytime." She said while pointing in her house's direction.

"I'll send my homemade kimchi too." She
said light-heartedly.

"Sure!" You smiled widely at her.

The next day

You went to college and submitted your project.

As usual you hanged out with the same four friends but Hana is getting meaner to you.

You just try to ignore her for the sake of your boss. Otherwise you would've shown her stars in daytime for how she behaves with you.

Even Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung noticed the change in her behaviour with you.

This week went pretty quickly for you. You even visited the ahjumma in meantime. She is actually such an adorable granny.

She packed some of the kimchi for you. You had some quality time with her as you both talked and laughed together.

She reminded you of the cafe-lady. It had been a long time since you visited her. You had alot memories attached with her and the cafe. Alot.

Yoongi was busy in his ongoing mission regarding people who were conducting kidnapping of women or girls for forced prostitution.

It had been 2 weeks already since you last talked to him.

Well it happened everytime either he or you were on mission. Except this time,you had a different kind of mission in which you could actually contact others normally.

The weekend was on the track now. So Jimin suggested to go to a park together for a small picnic and casual hangout. You certainly had no objections because you had nothing else to do at your apartment.

At the park

You laid out the mat and kept the basket nearby which contained all the delicacies. You chuckled when you saw that Tae had brought an avocado soft toy with him.

A softie bringing a soft toy with him hehe.

Jimin sat there with his black lens sunglasses looking all sassy with his skinny jeans and Chelsea boots combo and a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up.The veins on his hands contrasted wildly with his small chubby fingers.

Boyfriend material.

And our cute Jungkook was in all black. He looked pretty hot in his long hair as he was growing them out. The black combat boots he wore made him look intimidating and cool while in real life he's just a shy boy who gets all giggly with his friends.

His duality damn.

Taehyung wore a floral blue shirt with casual black dry fit shorts. His hair were styled precisely as a single strand was out there on his forehead making him look classy.

The weather was also very pleasant today as the usual scorching sun was hiding behind the clouds.

Hana wore a white square neck,puff sleeve top with a simple black mermaid skirt. Her neck adorned by a blue butterfly zircon necklace.While you wore a white spaghetti strap dress with a sky blue checkered cardigan.


Word count:1050

Should I share the pics of outfits or just leave it to your imagination? :3

It was my first time describing the outfits that deeply lol.

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