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Soon you escort Yoongi out of the apartment and after bidding goodbye to him.You set your hair again and do a little makeup to go to Kook's house.

You then hop on your bike,ready to go to his house but before that you call Taehyung.

"Hii Taehyung you're coming right?"You said in a casual tone,not wanting to let him know that you're aware that something bad has happened to him.

"Uh no I guess." Taehyung said nervously.

You hummed before asking for the reason.

"I'm just kind of sick today...sorry y/n-ie.You guys enjoy. I'll join some other day."

"What happened?" You asked as if you didn't already know it.

"Nothing much. I just got slightly injured."

"Slightly huh" you thought to yourself before again asking with concern visible in your voice.

"How did you get yourself injured?"

"Some guy suddenly attacked me on way back home. Leave it. Don't worry I'm fine. You go."

"Did you have some beef with him before?"

"I don't even know him."

"Oh then did you report to police or something?"

"Appa said he'll take care of the matter. So no."

"Oh I see."


You noticed how he popped the 'P' sound of it. Cute. You thought before hanging up on him after saying bye and telling him to take care of himself.


You finally reached there and found Jungkook doing fortnite dance on the couch while Jimin did ballerina dance feeling himself,moving his hands and feet in a classy way.He did look like an angel though and dances like one too.

There were basically two kinds of music playing at the same time and yet they focused on their own kind effortlessly.However the mixture of two different melodies sounded so chaotic.They are really crackheads.

Soon enough they noticed you and stopped dancing.Jungkook jumped off the couch like a kangaroo and did a big wave at you like he's seeing you after years.

Just two goofy bros yeah.

"We were waiting for you." Jimin beamed with happiness.

"Nice dance." You said with a mischievous smile to which Jimin just scratched the back of his neck shyly.

"Also Taehyung won't be coming." You informed them but they didn't seem to be surprised for that.

"Yeah he already told us." Jungkook said before arranging the game setup for the three of you.

"Here's the snacks though." You gave the bags to Jimin. Jimin thanked you for it before he went to kitchen to take out some cold drinks they had.

After all the set up,you three sat comfortably on the mattress,pillows everywhere around the three of you and a blanket on your legs.

In the first round Jimin lost and he was punching the pillows.Poor pillows.

Now there was a round between Jungkook and you.Jimin was cheering for his bro. "You got this Kookieee!!!Defeat her!Take revenge for me!YEAHHH!"

Is this a fucking war or what?

You and Jungkook were giving eachother tough competition. You were done shooting all the other opponents but Jungkook's character ran away going to the main target. You sped up and chased his character. Cheers,screams,alot of "woo's" & "oooohh's" could be heard across the room as you three were totally immersed in it like your life depended on it.

Jungkook was going to win but the tables turned and you attacked him and successfully won. Jumping up suddenly you cheered. "YESSS" you hollered while Jungkook's sour face was an eye candy to you. But as you were still jumping you suddenly slipped on one of the pillows, falling down on the mattress. Now Jimin and Jungkook laughed their hearts out.
Eventually you started laughing too... genuinely. And soon enough you threw the pillows at their faces and they did the same. Turning it all into a massive pillow fight. The room was a mess but your messy life seemed beautiful to you for those moments.

Like it was telling you that maybe sometimes you should just get lost in the moment and then you won't feel so lost in a bad way anymore.

After awhile your pillow fight halted and as you three were out of breath due to continuously laughing, all of you just sat down on the mattress again holding your stomach. It was such a lively moment just now. Then the three of you drank cold drinks and ate the snacks while watching Kung Fu Panda movie.

After that Jimin turned on some pop music.Jimin and you sang 'Peaches' along with Justin Bieber and Justin Seagull, both in the same room. (^^)

You three were violently head bopping along with Agustd's rap looking like you just had a seizure.

After all the music and fun time,Jimin suggested to drop you home because it was already past 7 PM. But you had your own bike so you denied. Yet he insisted that he'll go with you and see you entering your home, only then he'll go back. You couldn't resist much. After bidding goodbye to Jungkook and thanking him for giving you such a splendid time,you went back along with Jimin riding his bike just behind your bike.

After you said good night to Jimin and were about to go inside you saw someone approaching you... someone familiar.

And you knew Jimin must not know this so you quickly let him go and just as he went away that man approached you,seeing that the coast is clear now.

"Who was that?"

"Just say what you came for."

"Still rude huh?"

"Yeah so what?"

"Whatever...boss sent me to get this message across to you."

"Let's go inside first."



Word count: 1035

Well I wanted to add so many metaphors and simile in the starting chapters but that isn't the vibe there. But as there will be some fun and lively moments like this one, you'll see the differences in the way of writing. I have alot in my mind which will surely be shown in the latter chapters. Main plots will be started a bit later. At starting I just want to emphasize on friendship development between these four. And also some more feelings which will arise just in the journey. Brace yourselves :D

Distant Stars•KTH FF•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora