(5)Double trouble

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"Let's go inside."


You closed the door behind him and sat on the couch as he did the same.

Lee Mark,one of the members of the organisation.You both are like enemies yet you both will sacrifice yourself just to save the other. That's how your relationship is with him. Your opinions differ like fire and ice but the warmth you have for eachother deep inside your heart is enough to put all the never-ending horizon like enmity to an end. You both are like south and north poles but your and his charismatic idiosyncrasy can be enough to make the poles meet...as if in a toroid.

Then why enemies?

Not exactly enemies but somewhat of a love-hate relationship. When you were in your training period he used to bully you and you used to bully him back. You both fought a lot with eachother and bickered a lot too. But if anyone of you made a mistake due to your own personal fights the other would come out to take the blame and recieve the punishment. He is now one of the trusted members of boss just like you. You both never really say that you care for eachother but actions do.

"What message did boss want to deliver?"

"There was a public shooting a few days which was relate-"

You cut him off saying "To drug dealers."

"How do you know?" He asked crossing his arms curiously.

"Yoongi came here today.He had bruises so I asked him about it."

"I see. Well boss wants you to handle the investigation."

"I'm already handling one mission. It's not safe for Taehyung if I focus on investigation."

"I know but boss will make arrangements for him while you investigate about the boss of drug dealers. You have to track his location and raid it. We will send other members too for the fight and all the time when you do this we'll keep an eye on Taehyung. And inform you about everything regarding him."

"So I have to start it from tomorrow right?"

"Yes and here are all the documents regarding pieces of information we have collected till now. It is still unknown if he has planned another shooting or probably bombing. You need to do it as soon as possible because we can't risk everybody's lives." He handed you all the documents and you carefully checked each and everything.

"Ok then I'll do my best to uncover the secrets and their plans as soon as possible." You assured him and got up to bring him a glass of water.

"And who was that boy?"

"It was one of Taehyung's friends." You said while handing him a glass of water.

"You trusted him that easily that he came to your apartment??" He sounded baffled now.

"Yes I did. If he had tried to do something inappropriate I wouldn't hesitate to beat him, you know that."

"But still..." He trailed off with hesitation.

"It's really nothing. You're thinking too much." You flared in an irritated tone.

"Whatever...you and your habit of getting in trouble always gets us going crazy over your doings." He came up with a comeback just intensifying the unnecessary tension.

"Oh really?Like what doings, Mr. Reeky Hedge-pig?" You muttered in pure sarcasm.

"What did you just call me you clay brained witch!" He screeched after hearing you calling him weird names.

"Mr. Reeky. Hedge. Pig." You emphasized each and every word sarcastically.

"Now would you like to elaborate over what crazy doings I did to trouble you?"

"Like...." He halted trying to think of something to come up with quickly, "like you fucking killed all of the men of that gang when they were supposed to be handed to police only and even beat up a police officer who tried to stop you in the last."

"W-which gang?"

"Case no.356."

"Because they deserved to get killed." Your voice was suddenly low and scary. You gritted your teeth while answering him and your sudden change was totally noticeable.

"You know what? I don't want to waste my time talking to you. Fucking get out of here." You were now dragging him out of your apartment and he was concerned about why did you suddenly start behaving like this. Why did it trigger you like that.

"Why are you so angry suddenly? As much as I know you didn't really have any personal enmity with that gang."

"You don't know anything and you don't need to. I demand solitude so kindly go away. Thanks for delivering the message Mark." You were just controlling yourself at this point.

He silently went away still puzzled over the scary transfiguration in your demeanor.

As soon as you closed the door, you slid down the wall as you recollected all those heartbreaking memories which still manage to shake you till the core and take out the fragile soul who once smiled so much...who once loved so much.

"It's fine...it's fine y/n." You tried to gaslight yourself while it was really not fine. Just a simple mention of that time gets you like this. You still get overwhelmed and the memories feel as fresh as ever. You never healed, you just covered your wounds. Those wounds never got the chance to heal. The pain never faded. You just learned to survive and spend your life with that pain.

You got up weakly and made your way to kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down.

"It still hurts the same. I wish I also died that day."

And you certainly knew that you won't be able to sleep tonight. Nothing new. You just wished to escape from this ever-lasting cycle of pain yet you knew you can't just die now. You still have a purpose left which keeps you going till now. The canvas of your life just got the strokes of dark shades and the slight jubilant color patches got hidden beneath. Darkness reigns in your life as your only companion. You are broken but dangerous.

That's what pain does to people. It makes you dead but gives birth to an emotionless soul which is just an effigy doing the daily deeds without any remaining emotions within.

You went to take out a bottle of beer and chugged half of it down in one shot feeling its bitterness and ignoring the discomfort of your burning throat. But there resided a much more burning agony within your soul which exceeded the current physical pain you were feeling.


Word count:1120

Please never bury your pain inside beautiful people. You deserve to be happy. ♡

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