(18) Icecream

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Double update<3

It was recess time finally...You somehow managed to go to the cafeteria despite your unbearable cramps.

Even though you just ate a little they didn't force you to eat more. You just sat there after eating a few bites as they were devouring their meals.

As they finished their meals you got up to proceed to class but Taehyung stopped you and told you to wait for some minutes.

He came back with four cups of icecream shortly.

"Chocolate flavor for you three and strawberry for me!" He said while handing the icecreams to you three.

"Thank youu!" You said before happily having your icecream.

"Your most welcome!" He said while doing aegyo with his hands. You laughed after seeing Jimin and Jungkook cringing over his aegyo.

Y/n's POV:

"Damn why do you act so cute Tae??"I said.

"Omg you already gave me a nickname,that means we're close!"

I frowned and objected,"NO! That's because I'm too lazy to say the whole long ass name of yours!"

"Keep lying~" He giggled and I found myself drowning in his beautiful giggles...

"My name is not that long though,is it?"

"Whatever! I'm just saving my energy!" You just huffed while folding your hands over your chest.

The three boys just chuckled at your excuses.

Time skip

As your college ended,you set off to meet Yoongi.

With him,you went to see Han and wish him quick recovery.

"I'm really grateful and sorry for the fact you risked your own life to save me. Get well soon Han." You said with sincerity while handing him an asiatic lily flower bouquet.

"Your life is much more precious tha-

You cut him off saying,"Never ever think so!Your life should be the most valuable for you. You shouldn't ever downgrade yourself."

"She is right." Yoongi commented over your saying.

"Ok ok sorry!" He smiled adorably to which you and Yoongi responded by smiling back.

After talking to him for sometime,the two of you went back to your places.


During the days before weekend,you all stayed for one extra hour at library to do your projects.

There was no attack or danger around Taehyung these days but you were always on high alert.

Taehyung's dad - Mr.Kim had recieved threats of murder of their one and only heir - Taehyung. That's why he appointed you for his protection. He wanted you to protect him secretly so that Taehyung wouldn't be paranoid about his safety.


The four of you decided to hang out at Taehyung's house first and the next day,which is Sunday, you all would go for camping.

At Taehyung's house

Jimin and Jungkook were already comfy at his house because they had come here for numerous times.

But you and Hana sat silently on the couch until Taehyung told you both to come with him.

You four sat on Taehyung's bed after everything was settled.

"Let's play something!" Jungkook suggested. "Truth and dare?!" Jimin asked cheerfully.

Taehyung ran to bring an empty bottle in full speed like his rent was due. He came back in less than a minute and spinned it. His excitement was alike of a kid's excitement.

The front side landed infront of Jungkook.

"Truth or dare?" Taehyung asked, in response Jungkook answered,"Dare", confidently.

"Eat tortilla with wasabi sauce!" Jimin said wickedly while wiggling his eyebrows and giving a naughty smile.

"Arghh jiminnn!!" Jungkook whined.

"What? It's your fault! You're the one who said 'dare'. Now suffer!" Taehyung hooted with laughter.

Jungkook unwillingly completed his dare while making numerous faces. It was such a hilarious sight.

Then they again spinned the bottle and this time,it landed on you.

"Truth." You said in a calm tone.

"Do you have a crush on somebody in this room?" Jimin questioned,by his looks he was expecting an answer in affirmative.

"No." You said simply not knowing how someone's expressions dropped drastically after that.

"Uh okay." He said and spinned the bottle again.

"Truth." It was Hana's turn this time.

"Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?" Jungkook questioned before continuing to sip on his banana milk.

"The top and most favourite one wherever I am." She said while looking at you.You could feel the hatred and bitterness in her gaze very well.

"Woah. Ambitious." Taehyung remarked on her answer but he looked dull and sulky at the same time.

And the game continued like that with laughter and whines.

After that you all ordered pizza,french fries etc. and enjoyed thoroughly.

You all even had debates on milk or cereal first,and on mint chocolate. It was all just for fun but you had let out good laughter on their weird and funny excuses in debate.

You never had any mint chocolate dessert but just having the thought of mint with chocolate was enough to disgust you out.

You then slept in the same room with Hana while Jimin and Jungkook slept with Taehyung in his room.

You always thought of Hana as your sister,that's why the thought that she dislikes you and wants you to leave, hurted you.

But you had learnt better than being weak over some person so you divert yourself to other things rather than focusing on your emotions. That's what you always do.


"Wakey wakey!" You heard somebody and shuffled around. But soon you felt somebody pulling your blanket so you grabbed it tightly and whined like a kid.

"Let me sleep!!" You said but all in vain when you felt someone tickling you.

You started squirming and laughing hysterically,"Ah st-hahaha stopp!!" You said in between your laughs.

It was Jimin.

"Get up!!We have to go for camping. Everybody is awake except you!" Jimin complained while trying to pull you up from the bed.

"Ok fine!!" You howled and reluctantly got up.

"Get ready fast! We'll be going in half an hour." You nodded and ran to bathroom.


Word count:1018

Guys I just realised that I used alot of 'Han' in this book.

Han Y/n, Lee Hana and the hacker Han.

Dayum >.<

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