
21 1 14

"You know what... let's not talk about this anymore." You said not wanting to open up anymore.

It was dangerous for him to get close with you.

"But y/n...fine. I'm just here for you. Know that. And I'm sorry that I ruined your crying session." He said with sincerity.

"Crying session?" You chuckled at his choice of words.

"Sorryy I didn't mean it like that!!" He panicked thinking you probably got hurt by that.

"No no don't worry. Let's go." You said getting up from your bed.

"Where?" He said cluelessly while looking at you with his puppy eyes.

"To your house. I will drop you there."

"I'm not-" Before he could say anything further, you glared at him which made him shut his mouth and nod repeatedly.

You rolled your eyes and pulled him up from bed.

You had some plans in your mind too.

He silently sat behind you as you wore your helmet.

"You look cool riding this bike." He murmured while pouting.

"I know." You said with sass.

"Oh my old Y/n is back!" He smiled widely while leaning on you for a backhug.


You stopped yourself from pointing that out to him because it would just make you and him awkward.

"Uh you know I have to start my bike so..." You trailed off while looking at him from your rear view mirror.

He immediately left you and sat straight while saying sorry continually.

You laughed it off and started your bike.

Your eyes were at the rear view mirror eyeing someone.

You arrived at his house soon and bid goodbye to him while smiling warmly.

And then...

You glanced at him.

The man who was trying to look non-chalant right now,like he wasn't even following them for whole day.

You cracked your neck and slid your bike swiftly to his side before turning it to full speed towards him.

"What are you trying to do?!!" He said being scared because his bike was just an inch away from yours when you finally stopped your bike.

"You'll see." You showed off your signature subtle smile which you always do before going into your realism. That smug expression which holds the power of scaring the shit out of criminals.

You got off your bike with a jump that made him step back. You hopped on him before grabbing his neck tightly from a side and kicking him in between where the sun doesn't shine.

Before he could let out a big scream you placed your hand on his mouth.You launched a jab on him while trapping him in a headlock. You threw continuous double fist punches at him making his nose bleed. But you weren't letting him get a single chance to even touch your hair,let alone punch you back.

With your ear-deafening punches he was soon at his knees and begging you to leave him.

Finally showing a bit of "mercy" you directly did a middle-finger one-knuckle fist strike and locked it by your thumb and snapped off the hind end of his breastbone (sternum)making him knockout in seconds.

He fell down on the ground in an instant, his head hitting the ground painfully.

With your one click,a worker of your organisation was already there under five minutes. You left the responsibility to him and went back to your apartment after dusting your hands off.

As you were finally home you got a call from Jimin. You knew what he's gonna ask.Ofcourse.

"Hey y/n!How are you?" He asked in a caring manner.

"Just good. Why?"

"No you seemed down. And that's the reason why Taehyung stayed at your apartment right?"

"Uh yeah. He's home now." The line fell silent for a few seconds.

"What happened hmm?"He asked in a worried tone.

"Nothing special. He was slightly worried so he persisted to stay."You replied rather dryly as you didn't know what to even say.

"I guess you're not comfortable enough to share. It's ok. But you can always come to me if you feel the need to. Remember that." He said warmly making you smile slightly.

"Sure. Thank you so much Jimin. Good night."

"Good night. Sleep well." You could hear some shuffling from his side.

After saying bye you went to bed.

"They hate me now but you...you never did. Even if I was just a cursed kid who ruined your life...who ended your life. How could you love me so much?" You thought to yourself while a lone tear escaped from your eyes making its way down your cheek.

You could feel yourself getting suffocated. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster. You could feel uneasiness reign in your body. And again...your hands started shaking terribly.

You touched your throat feeling it getting drier and drier. It was like your breath got shorter and shorter.

You reached out to the jug, grabbing it with shaky hands. You drank some water but it was in vain. Because the uneasy feeling wasn't retreating away...at all.

You took sharp breaths and got up to walk to the washroom. There you were... splashing water on your face again and again.

You looked into the mirror. You could see the same old you. The pathetic one who cried for nights. The fragile one who couldn't even bring herself to see his picture again because it would be like sprinkling salt on her wounds.

Stay happy,my love.

I love you...

You started crying loudly when you got the flashbacks of his smiling face at the end. The way he uttered those three beautiful words and then never uttered anything ever again. His eyes still open as he was looking at your eyes in his last moments. But the only difference...his eyes were full of love just a second ago and now? Soul-less. Empty.


Word count:1006

I'm sure you've already guessed alot of things but there is much more behind it...so much more.

Tysm for 400+ reads fluffies!<3

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