95. The Gang's All Here

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Though Arrow was majorly confused by their call, she did give him her location. Splitting up into two cars, courtesy of Clayton's contact, the group of them headed to her. The entire plane ride was tense, the car ride proving to be the same.

Dean and Nicholas sat on either end in the backseat while Dalton sat up front. Clayton and Yara occupied the other vehicle, trailing behind this one. Dean figured that they put Dalton with them as to deter Nicholas from trying anything. Nicholas didn't agree to their accompanying them, nor did he want to use their resources. Dean didn't blame him much. In fact, he hoped Arrow wouldn't be too upset upon seeing them.

These were the people who ruined her life, and now they wanted to tag along to find the cure she set out for. Dean did try his best to persuade them, but they didn't take no for an answer. Not just the Lycans, but Avery, Calvin, and Naomi as well. There was nothing he could do, but let it be and see how it'll all play out. The extra manpower didn't hurt, but the team they made together was a turbulent one. Yara and Clay would help find the cure, get a dose, and go their separate ways - was what Avery had said when she pleaded with her brother to let it happen. She'd pleaded until he relented out of the need for them to get a move on.


The car begins to slow, coming up on a broken-down old house. "You sure this is the correct address, Straken?" Nicholas asks, looking at the building.

"This is what she gave." Dean nods, opening his door.

Everyone else follows his lead, getting out of the car and surveying the area.

"Dean." He hears her voice, spinning around to see her crossing the road.

"Arrow!" Dean sighs with relief, walking to her. Meeting her, he wraps his arms around her on instinct, wanting to hold her close. "You're okay?" He asks, pulling away quickly.

"What the hell, Dean?" She hisses, noticing who came along with him.

"It's a long, complicated story, Arrow. Long and oh, so complicated."

"Uncomplicate it then!" She exclaims. "What the hell are they doing here? Nicholas?"

"There's a short version. The city has gone to shit! The Kennedys have taken over. They know about you. They took, interrogated, and got rough with your boy over there," Nicholas says, nodding to Dean for the last part. "They got both our homes under surveillance, raided your organization, and exposed Lycans to everyone. The Kennedys have their hunters hunting in broad daylight. Oh, and this bunch who turned us, wants to tag along with us because they want to get their hands on the cure to save their friend."

Everyone stops, staring between Arrow and Nicholas. "Let's go inside," Arrow says with a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. Following her in, they all enter the house, looking around at her hideout.

"You've been staying here?" Dean asks.

"No." She answers plainly, eyes the Lycans.

"Come, all of you. Might as well." She says to them, heading up the stairs. "I can not believe this."

"Jackson?" Clayton is the first to exclaim at the sight of the tired-looking man slouched on an old mattress.

"Hello, brother," Jackson responds Clayton, walking to him.

"How? How?! Vanessa said you were dead." Clayton stumbles out.

"Seems that's what she's been telling everyone. But, alas. Here I am. Sorry to disappoint."

"What the hell is going on?" Nicholas interrupts.

"Dean, come with me," Arrow says to him, linking their hands and pulling him out of the room into another.

"What are you doing here? Did Nicholas do or say something?"

"The only thing he did was tell me he left you to do this on your own. I couldn't have that Arrow."

"Yo-you came for me?" Arrow asks softly, her eyes searching his.

"Only for you." Dean whispers back, "I'll always come for you, Arrow Berlin. You should know that."

Stunned, Arrow looks at him, Dean unsure what is going on in her mind. He wonders if she was mad or annoyed. He would understand either, considering the people he arrived with. But he stood by his decision to get to her, even if she didn't want him.

"Arrow," Dean starts, only to be cut off by Arrow pressing her lips against his. Her arms wrap around him, holding his head to her as the shock wears off. Dean closes his eyes and sinks into the bliss, pulling her to him. Their lips move against each other passionately, Dean savoring the very sensation. Dean deepens the kiss with a moan. Years of suppressed feelings between the two come to the surface.

Someone clearing their throat loudly has them pulling apart from each other. But even then, there wasn't any urgency in their actions. Panting, they held eye contact with each other until the voice cleared their throat again. Turning around, hands still on Arrow's hips, Dean sees Nicholas standing at the door. His expression was hard to place.

"If you two are done..." He says, annoyance in his tone before walking back to the room with the other.

"Dean turns back to Arrow, a blush on her face as she states up at him. " We," She begins, stopping to clear her throat. "We should head back in there." She breathes. She goes to walk away, but Dean stops her, turning her head toward him with a hand on her chin.

"One more." He whispers, putting his lips on her this time, initiating another kiss.


Back in the room, Dean couldn't keep the smirk off his face, nor Arrow the blush. He figured they all knew what went on, but he couldn't feel anything other than happy; despite their situation and their location. He was a happy man.

"Well!" Jackson starts. "While you two were...em...chatting," He says, sending an obvious wink in their direction, "I filled in these miscreants on the situation. The wants...the what... the why... the how."

"Good." Arrow nods, still blushing, lips swollen. "So, what's our course of action now?"

"Dalton, over there is going to stick a tube in Clayton's arm," Jackson says.


"Blood transfusion. To help him heal quicker." Clayton elaborates. "Then we go find your uncle.

"Simple plan." Jackson finishes.

"I think we'll need a more detailed plan than just going after Elmaan." Arrow comments.

"Fine. Go after Elmaan Berlin and kill him. There!"

"Idiot." Arrow hisses under her breath.

"What he means is," Clayton sighs. "After he's healed, he will lead us to Elmaan's location. I'll have some men put together. They'll fight with us, little questions asked. We infiltrate and, well...attack your uncle. We don't have a detailed breach plan-"

"We don't need one! It's not hard! Attack the freak of nature and end his stupid life! Guns blazing and claws slashing! Simple plan!" Jackson exclaims in annoyance.

"Now come, let's start. Time is wasting, and that's dangerous."

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