Peanut Pawns 1

35 6 21


Valor recoiled; hands shot up defensively before the folded cloth could even touch the cut on his forehead.

River pressed it firmly on the bleeding wound, applying gentle but steady pressure and played deaf towards his brother's protests. Valor winced, blinking back his tears.

"Quit squirming" River admonished; usual dry tone tinted with annoyance.

What was more irritating than a grown man sniveling over a minor injury?


"My head hurt, too." Raven whined, joining the fray. Despite his bleeding having already stopped, he held a dramatically large rag against the miniscule cut, whimpering like he had a hole through his skull.

River found solace in the fact that no matter how absurd their collusion was, neither of them could possibly become any dumber than they already were.

"Why did you headbutt him?" River demanded, rubbing on the gash. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

Valor turned to Raven, leering at him. "Why do we have to meet up in a place like..this". he vaguely gestured around the tavern, making a face.

"It's called hiding in plain sight, you pigeonwit" Raven rolled his eyes, and threw the rag aside. "No one's going to come looking for the crown prince in a shoddy ass bar by the road."

Valor's face seemed to be settled in a permanent frown since he set foot into Mara's. He shook his head disapprovingly. "Why did you bring Fuuko here, too? He is still a child."

"I'm not a child!" River protested, inspecting the wound to see if the bleeding had slowed. Where was Wolfram when he needed a doctor the most?

"It's not safe here!" Valor exclaimed, clearly uneasy in the crowd. "I nearly stepped on a man at the door who looked like he'd been mauled by a bear!"

River glanced toward Raven, catching his sidelong gaze. They exchanged a silent nod of agreement, both understanding that what Val did not know, could not hurt anyone. Specially Raven.

"I'm not fluent in idiot, so can one of you explain me what is going on?" River quipped, averting the topic. "Why are we having a clandestine meetup?"

Valor's face darkened at the question, his nails digging into his palms. River could see veins bulging in his neck from how hard he was biting down, and his jaw tightened.

"You must leave North," he hissed through clenched teeth, the tension evident in his voice. "At once."

Raven arched a brow at the prince, a sneer playing on his lips. "I don't take orders from anyone, Sir Goody Two Shoes."

"It's not an order," Valor blurted out, his voice betraying a hint of desperation. He lowered his gaze, unable to meet Raven's eyes with the same confidence as before. "It's a request. A plea, even. Please, leave for Sandgill tonight."

A heavy silence hung in the air before Valor's voice broke it once more, brittle and fragile. "And take my brother with you."

The Southern King's interest was piqued. He straightened on his stool, his forehead creasing with curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Valor buried his face in his hands, and River knew it was to hide his tears from Raven's scornful gaze. Valor was a prideful man, a prince. The boy who was raised to be the next king of North, the greatest ruler this generation will see. Someone who would die on his feet faster than begging on his knees.

Unease settled in River's heart like a stone sinking into a dark lake. 

What had happened? Why would his brother come running, all the way from Queensend, to ask Raven to take River away?

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