Chapter 16: Forging Swords

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After sending Jun Yi away, Ye Yang obviously let go a lot. He saw several soldiers move a half-waist-high tripod, nodded with satisfaction, and then directed the first few craftsmen to make fire.

There are six steps in casting Longquan Sword.

One, Hammering. Second, planning file. Three, polishing. Fourth, inlay. Fifth, quenching. Sixth, Steel grinding.

But now the time is pressing, Ye Yang gave up the three or four steps, and only needs one, two, five, and six steps.

Of course, the most important thing is the first step, repeated folding and forging. A good Longquan sword needs to be folded and forged at least a dozen times.

Ye Yang explained it to them, but these craftsmen had never operated it before, so one by two, they all showed blank expressions like listening to a book from heaven.

In the end, Ye Yang had no choice but to do it himself.

He fastened his wide sleeves with a neck climber, picked up an iron sword and threw it into the calciner.

When it is red hot, take it out with pliers, put it on the iron plate, and hit it with a hammer.

Everyone looked at Ye Yang with bewildered expressions, they really didn't understand, what's the use of beating the red-hot iron sword like this?

"Everyone, this step is called forging. A piece of iron needs to be folded and forged at least a dozen times to make a good sword."

Ye Yang explained while hitting the red-hot iron with a hammer.

To be honest, the craftsmen didn't understand, but they learned that this was something arranged by the emperor, and they dared not delay the business. Although they were full of doubts, they also obediently learned Ye Yang's method to forge iron blocks.

Due to the lack of time, Ye Yang did not return to the palace, and stayed in the Military Equipment Supervision all day, personally supervising these craftsmen forging iron.

In order not to waste a minute and a second, he divided a dozen groups of people to take turns to strike iron, and he did not miss the time at night, and worked overtime to make the craftsmen keep folding and forging iron blocks.

Afraid of failure, he forged five pieces of iron at the same time. If these five swords were not successful, it can only be said that God wants to send him to the cold palace.

After five days of tossing and turning like this, someone finally took advantage of Ye Yang's rest and complained.

"What is this Young Concubine Ye trying to do? Why do we have to fold and beat these pieces of iron repeatedly?"

"That's right!"

"A layman instructed us to make swords, and I don't know what the above thought."


A blacksmith man immediately made a gesture of silence, lowered his voice and said,

"It was arranged by the emperor. You should talk less. If these words reach the emperor's ears, you will all be dead."

Several craftsmen were so frightened that they turned pale. He quickly lowered his head and continued to beat the iron block in front of him.

And Jun Yi in the palace learned that the blacksmiths were still beating iron blocks, and there was no sword shape at all, and he couldn't figure out what Ye Yang wanted to do.

Ten days later, when the complaints became more and more, Ye Yang finally stopped them from folding and forging iron blocks repeatedly.

Hearing that they didn't need to forge iron blocks, they all looked happy. They followed Ye Yang's words and made sword blanks from the iron blocks that had been repeatedly folded and forged, and started the second step, planning and filing.

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